Some good can still come out of this if, when the story gets turned into a trashy TV movie, they call it The Secret World of Allison Mack.
Some good can still come out of this if, when the story gets turned into a trashy TV movie, they call it The Secret World of Allison Mack.
Wow, how do you not quit after you’ve swindled a couple of heireses for $150 million?
There was a “do not invite” letter sent around. If it’s any consolation, you were only 7th on the list.
There are only two delivery pizza places near my house, Papa Johns and Dominoes. I recently ordered Dominoes for the first time in years because I loathe the Papa Johns dude and always feel guilty for giving him my money.
People wonder how we end up with guys like Donald Trump. This is how.
His probation includes a curfew—he must be at home from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. and is not allowed to drink.
We’ve been trying for a year and I can’t even look at other people’s babies right now, so I personally find this joke really bloody insensitive, but I also understand that I’m in a particularly sensitive situation that might doesn’t necessarily translate to how other’s might relate to the “joke”.
Next election ends up being Stephen King vs Steve King and everyone just gets confused.
Women who have trouble getting pregnant are in no way the butt of fake pregnancy announcements.
I’m a pretty enthusiastic cook but about once a month I pick up a big box of White Cheddar Cheez-Its® and make that dinner. Paired with only the finest $10/1.5 litre bottle of Pinot Grigio, of course, because then it’s Turtle Time.
Attention and I suspect all those millions of Mercer dollars.
Wonderful, as always, to see a woman’s looks torn apart, but what sense does it make to know you’re guaranteed to insult readers who share the same “undesirable” traits?
They just show up, I swear!
Pruitt IS even rottener than we’ve been hearing! Not only was he living cheap in a lobbyist’s wife’s house, but the lobbyist happened to be a lobbyist for liquid natural gas.... Pruitt’s also on the hook for a lavish first-class trip to Morocco with all his staff on the taxpayer dollar.... and the reason he was in…
Oh yeah, read King for the sex scenes do you?
Stephen King is running for Governor of Maine
I think most people (that didn’t vote for him) knew this administration would be an absolute shit show from day one.
Her husband has been going on an Anti-Trump Twitter raid for the last week. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the next to go. Mika and Joe both said she openly despises Trump but still stuck around because she liked the attention she got from working for him.
In other words, Conway to be fired by Tuesday.