The meanest snowflake is pissed off

Oh come on. She was looking real rough for a while, but she looks good in these photos! She’s my hope that someday I, too, might not look so haggard- don’t take that away from me!

I guess shes not entirely to blame since its become obvious lately that Hollywood is filled with rapists and child molesters.

That’s seriously the only question I had when I saw that picture. Gimme that sweater. It looks so cozy.

“I don’t think she can get out of her own way.” Yeah. This really is the issue. 

What you describe is literally a Robert Downey, Jr., though. That’s how he came back, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, etc and then Iron Man.

Calm down, you’re being hysterical.

Isn’t quad arms and legs? I think Close is a para.

She was never found to have lied.

I’d go further and say many of those museum directors would rape their daughters for the chance to own a Picasso

I really like everything Sulkowicz has been doing. She’s talented, she’s a true performance artist, her work so far - since and including Mattress Performance- has been visually interesting, thought provoking, and lead to necessary but uncomfortable conversations, and all this without alienating any particular person

You really think we’re running out of art? As if it’s mined from the ground, and we just have to accept that some of it is made by pieces of shit?

There are far more talented artists—genius artists!—than there are venues. Depriving the world of Close’s art by taking it down doesn’t deprive the world of good art—it makes room for art that isn’t also produced by problematic artists. So I’d be glad to see it taken off the walls entirely and replaced by someone

“Last time I looked, discomfort was not a major offense.”

This is what I’m curious about. I’m going to guess he’s going to ignore it completely and just keep talking about other things, or maybe try to blame it on Democrats, which will require some major mental gymnastics.

So how is Trump going going to spin this so it’s Obama’s or even Hilary’s fault?

“Speaking of that speech, the stock market took such a huge nosedive while he was talking that networks turned away from the speech to cover it. His strategy of taking credit for the stock market now appears, shockingly, rather stupid.”

Infuriating. Reminds me of when the Milwaukee police actually handed a young, minority victim of Dahmer’s back to him when he had managed to escape. Dahmer, being white, was able to convince the cops that the hysterical, bleeding boy and he had just had a lovers quarrel.

every time i see a picture of her she takes my breath away. i hope that if justice needs to be served they can serve it and that she (in death), her fans, her friends, and her family can find some peace.

Armchair detective here. That Wagner is a poi makes me suspicious as fuck about him.