The meanest snowflake is pissed off

I know you’re being pithy, but the man literally did everything he could do. The American people didn’t listen to him. We fucked up royally. He owes us nothing now. I hope he enjoys his retirement, and emigrates to New Zealand or somewhere amazing, and never gives two more thoughts about America’s fate.

He tried remember? Don’t boo, vote. Too many white women and Bernie Bros ignored him. Her emails or something. Right Susan Sarandon?

Until Complicit White women don’t become complicit white women for white racist dick that also hates women, then they can have a seat at the table.

These problems would be compounded by “the negro teacher,” who subjected to “subversive propaganda,” sees the world in a way “antagonistic, to the white philosophy of life.”

Absolutely. And it’s all shielded with an almost inarguable, impenetrable “this is for the good of my children, it’s not about race” (horseshit) idea, at least nowadays.

The historical driving force here may have been female purity/fragility. But I don’t think it is anymore. Because while Female purity/fragility may have been the ideal for white motherhood in the late 19th century, I think for a long time now there’s been a different ideal: That of the fearsome “mama bear.” (Retches.)

Oh, now I get what you’re saying. Especially the “(especially in feminist spaces)” part. Not having the power and privilege of men, women can seem less participatory. But this is reality

Why wouldn’t White women be as racist as White men?

Seriously. This article’s old (and discusses an extreme response to white women fragility) but it’s stayed with me since I read it:

Seeing her blithe comment about Emmett Till it’s quite likely you could be lynched for walking into the wrong Five And Dime. Or registering Black people to vote. Or attending church in Alabama. Etc.

“We Are Not Satisfied With This” - that sign is some weak sauce!

And since 53% of the white women voters went with lying racist women-hating man-baby Trump instead of absolutely qualified Mrs. Clinton, whitey supremacy has a new lease on life.

White Moms are the choosy moms that choose to speak out against progress in this country.

Will be preordering this book. White women’s role in maintaining white supremacy has been swept under the rug for far to long.   

I don’t have time to read this right now but i suggest listening to “the problem we all live with” from this american life. It shows white women still defending segregation under the guise of safety.

“The next summer, Bell tried to rally newspaper editors and segregationists across the state”

This is so important, and provides a helpful lens into understanding the 53% today, and the historical driving forces of white nationalism. Thank you!

We’ve been watching some shows that are set in the 50's and 60's (Mrs. Maisel, The Crown...) and the one thing I always notice is that the kids are barely paid attention to. It’s just how it was I think. Parents did what they did and you were just the kid so you had no rights or voice.

Many times my dad (who is a baby

That is very true. Put on your own oxygen mask first. It’s tough, especially during the baby phase.

I’m mourning the death of my recently deceased husband. I can’t also sit here and actively mourn the slow decay of our governmental institutions.