The meanest snowflake is pissed off

Yeah, I don’t follow stand up and am unfamiliar with Mo’Nique, so I can’t really comment on how ridiculous that offer is, but even I know Wanda Sykes. She has been doing standup and has been in pretty main stream shows for a long time (and still is, she’s one of my favorite characters in Blackish).

Education in schools and adverts about enthusiastic consent. Outreach programmes teaching about enthusiastic consent. A continued public discourse with people refusing to give up on the notion of EC or GTFO.

Yeah, I was raised on no means no, but no one bothered to tell me what it meant if you weren’t given the opportunity to even refuse. What was that? Only yes means yes changed everything.

Nah, I’m a pretty strict professional. I work in a male dominated industry, I kind of have to be

Yeah, but she doesn’t seem like much of an “influencer” based on her page views and subscribers. She wanted 3! nights for free. Besides, she outed herself as not being reputable; she promised good PR unfront. Why should I trust her to provide an unbiased review and recommendation, when she essentially admitted that

Hahahahaha! Good for the business.


If dumdum blog princess can use passive aggressive ageism throughout her whiny tantrum protest posts then I feel emboldened and justified in calling her a spoiled brat who lacks grit and is probably exhausting to be around.

Aren’t ethical reviewers supposed to be anonymous when they visit these places?

except she is a real human being.

could one... just have sex instead?

Jesus. The sheer entitlement and self centredness is absolutely breathtaking.

she had asked for a stay at their location at no cost in exchange for a review and social media posts

Can we just have them settle this out with a good old fashioned axe fight like the pioneers used too?

She was also really vague about what happened at her old job that caused them both to leave and have him “twist the nature of the relationship” in his head. I’m sure that it was more than just “organizational changes” and we’re missing something here. I’m not saying she had an affair with him or anything, but this

I suspect that the first letter-writer’s old boss was harboring some creepy feelings for her, and couldn’t handle her working for someone else. Wouldn’t be surprised if he found other ways to stalk her, sexually harass her, and try to sabotage her employment. She needs to stay away from him and ignore all contact from

Maybe the first letter writer should just go straight for a restraining order. Seems like the most appropriate course of action, as I don’t know what the police would do exactly (generally, police departments don’t always know how to handle stalking or even take it seriously, which is what I’m guessing this would fall

How the fuck did this happen? That’s my question. Why are we so far behind?

From a meta-level U.S.-centric perspective, this is story demonstrates to me one more time how fucking backward the U.S. is on gender.

‘Only’ the third female PM is technically accurate, but sounds a, given the number of feamle leaders who have run, ooooh, let’s say the US, for the sake of argument.