The meanest snowflake is pissed off

I think this is great, but can you ever see this happening in the US? There’s just no way. When we can’t even agree that old people should have a proper medical safety net and Republicans are trying to do away with any and all “entitlement” programs, when schools refuse to feed kids lunch when they don’t have a few

Yes. If you look around, there a great number of articles on this very topic. Here are a couple more I like, but just Google “how to be a white ally” and you’ll get lots of results. I say this next part gently, and with positive intentions: One part of being a white ally is to be proactive about seeking information

I feel like I’ve read a version of this piece at least a dozen times. It’s not that complicated - if you’re interested in racial justice for MoC, show up for racial justice for MoC marches and stuff. If you’re interested in gender justice for white women, show up for that. If you have a limited amount of time, decide

This is exactly what I was looking for. Especially the bit about being a witness and protesting with “Do not monopolize the space but be present, so that those protesting can SEE allies. So that those people in riot gear can see faces that look like theirs.” 

Money-laundering is what is going to take this clown car down, not election collusion. The latter is just too nebulous to pin down to an impeachable offense, but if you’ve got the receipts showing where all the dirty money went, that’s a very different story. 

Here are some tips from Luvvie Ajayi:

Yeeeeeeeep, I had the exact same response. Interrogating my own privilege and racism has led to some uncomfortable places (and God the poor POC who had to sometimes shove me there, I am sorry and you deserve a lot more than my apologies :-/), but it needs to be done by anyone who thinks to call themselves a feminist

White feminism is Becky getting super pumped about discussing and analyzing the issues that oppress her, and then, when it comes time to critiquing and analyzing her own privilege, turning around and treating the rest of our concerns in the same entitled, dismissive manner that men treat feminism.

This. If nothing else, white women should flip the whole “Men don’t understand! Feminism is for all people! Why don’t men walk in the women’s march, too?!” to race & maybe get some self-awareness in the process.

“This is a women’s march. We’re supposed to be allies in equal pay, marriage, adoption. Why is it now about, ‘White women don’t understand black women’?”

Come on, that’s not totally fair. If you don’t take a selfie while protesting, how else will the world know how incredibly and completely woke you are?

Yep. I started to clutch my pearls a bit at this sentence:

I’ve watched in local, progressive online groups as countless white women have turned a deaf ear to the complaints of WOC over and over and over again in the past year. Just as recently as last week there were multiple women of color attempting to voice their concern/disillusionment with the upcoming local march. Some

I see nothing but well-reasoned and calm discussion to arise from this article... Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in fallout bunker.

“we could still comfort ourselves with the reminder that we’re not as bad as white men”

I am going to wait for the comments while trying not to rage when I read them.

In related news to this article, the UK (London)‘s women’s march was pretty well attended. The Stand up to Racism crew were handing out flyers for their Stand up to Racism march a few months later (in March). I was like let’s see how many of these women show up for their WOCs. (The march was diverse, but from my

If i had known this article was going to be posted I would have taken the day off. The comments under this are going to be legendary. The only way this could be better if it gets cross posted to The Root.

I would also like to speak on behalf of the generously be-titted who love to cook: aprons are not fucking meant for us. (Not that this is Meghan’s problem.) Every cute apron ever made does the dreaded slide and ends up hugging one giant can and looks like shit and fuck aprons.

Counterpoint- I hate to cook, but my best friend got me a badass wonder woman (retro 50's styled) apron and I wear it every chance I get because it’s so pretty. So, if there’s a kickass apron you know your friend will love and they occasionally cook, I say go ahead for people of all genders. Also true: Finland’s gift