The meanest snowflake is pissed off

No, you’re still wrong, and willfully so. You know the difference and have no desire to give up that really shitty talking point so have it.

This is a false analogy. Oil is a finite resource, so one predicts its end based upon reserve and discovery. Climate is the object of scientific study, so you base belief in the predictions largely on consensus and the quality of instruments and data. While both could be wrong, the way in which they would be wrong is

... and you’ll keep saying that even as you get hotter and hotter in the summer, the seas keep rising higher and higher, and the weather gets even more chaotic, unpredictable and violent than ever.

Every prediction has turned out to be feeble... the climate is changing faster and getting much hotter than predicted. And its accelerating even as we write-read these comments.

Who says rich people aren’t selling their beachfront property at the same rate they’re selling their inland property? And who equates ‘rich’ with ‘smart’, but someone who’s neither?

Rich does not equal “smart”. thanks for playing.

C’mon, we weren’t even trying.

So, you don’t know the difference between climate and weather. Boy, those creationist/climate change denying science classes did a good job! You are ignorant as fuck.

because some assholes lied to you to convince you of that “fact.”

the high temperature record was broken seven times. It’s been broken seven times in just the past 20 years.

temperatures have increased in the past 15 years just not as quickly as was initially predicted, but they have been steadily rising.

There has been temp increase u IDIOT!! Do your homework dumbass

Yeah, but it’s going to suck to have to listen to that much Celine Dion, Rush, and Nickelback all the time.

Please still feel sad for those of us trapped in the blue cities of Texas surrounded by idiots.

We have. Take two seconds and google it, or take one and click this link from NASA, unless NASA isn’t scientific enough for you:

It’s probably got something to do with you seeing a headline in 2013, putting it in your pocket, and then never looking at global warming headlines again, or bothering to take a look at any data. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of you not realizing that the 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1998.

I’m totally with you except they’re dragging us down with them and their ignorance.

This map has changed my opinion on climate change. Not whether it exists or not; I always accepted that. But now I know it’s a plot by the Canadians.