The meanest snowflake is pissed off

In education, unions basically provide what HR does in companies and the whole “you don’t have to individually negotiate contracts” thing saves a TON of money and time on the management side.

I work at a large arts nonprofit that has had a LOT of problems with its unionized employees, including multiple strikes by one union whose members make six figure starting salaries and have (as much as I hate the term) Cadillac benefits including essentially lifetime tenure and roughly 8 weeks of vacation (during

Non-profits are often all about making money for management.

“President Obama established the Council in 2009"

The only part of this story I found mildly surprising is that Hope Hicks is still around.

Hey, whatever happened to that $100M the Saudis donated to Ivanka’s foundation?

According to a report from Politico, it appears that the Trump administration has abandoned the White House Council on Women and Girls.

That’s like saying you shouldn’t go to the hospital when you’re seriously ill because 3 things could happen (you could die, get sicker, or get better) and two are bad. Well 1 of those 3 things is going to happen regardless, going to the hospital usually increases the chance of it being a good outcome drastically.

This flyer looks a lot like the flyer given out to me and tens of thousands of other employees after our company merged with a non-union company years ago and a new union vote was held. We lost the union, and since then full time jobs with good benefits have been slowly but steadily replaced with part time positions

they knew what they were getting when they voted for Donald Trump”

Much like illness or rape, I believe the GOP’s message is that we were asking for it.

“Sarah Huckabee Sanders: ‘[Americans] Knew What They Were Getting When They Voted for Donald Trump’”
Absolutely. That’s why most Americans DIDN’T vote for him. Damn the Electoral College to the deepest pits of Hyades.

Donald Trump is a fighter?!?!? This asshole couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag. Look at this mutt with his gut and his man-tits.

I’m puzzled by the insinuation she should figure this out behind closed doors. Yes, she’s 30, and this is delayed on our timetable of when worldly liberal people’s should have been having these realizations, But shaming people for not coming to terms with privilege fast enough will just make them defensive and push

The couple used a a .50-caliber Desert Eagle pistol,

So these two could have kids, vote, legally own and apparently shoot a very powerful gun, but can’t legally have a drink?

Don’t forget the time it takes to gestate! She could have been 15 at the time.

anytime anyone claims to be cherokee, I automatically assume they are not.

The Cherokee nation was one of the biggest tribes in the US prior to forced removal.It encompassed huge parts of the mid-Atlantic and southern inland states. From the Carolinas into Kentuckey, etc. If your family wasn’t on the Dawes rolls when the Five Civilized Tribes happened, you can’t be a member of the current

I like your perspective here, but here is my quandry-