The meanest snowflake is pissed off

Just tell them you’ll accept defeat with the same grace and sportsmanship the right showed after being stomped by Obama. Twice.

And didn’t he only win the electoral college by, like, 70k votes? THAT IS NOT A SOLID WIN OMG!!!

“Donald Trump: The First 100 Days”

Wait, where’d she disappear to? Now that you mention Conway it’s like she vanished a month ago. Did she finally get a one-way to the gulag?

Of course his first 100 days were a success! Most of us are still alive, aren’t we?

I think it’s worth noting that most transwomen spend a whole lot of time of their formative years being socialized as men. I’ve read from several transmen about how being socialized as a woman effected their transition, and I’d be interested in seeing how that socialization effects transwomen as well. Caitlyn being

Aw don’t be so hard on her. She doesn’t play golf with 45 anymore.

Caitlyn is a fascinating look into what white male privilege looks like on a woman. White women have their own sense of privilege but this Caitlyn mess is a whole different beast. She’s got like, super-duper privilege and watching her open her gob and consistently embarrass herself is one of my last remaining

How bad is it when you agree with Kris Jenner “Yeah this person really is an asshole”.

I feel bad for Diane and she actually interviewed few dictators.

He is such a card! A cut-up! A scoundrel! A scamp!

May he and his progeny live in interesting times.

Hawaii is to a large degree populated by people of Pacific Islander (inc. Hawaiian) and Asian heritage. It’s a Known Issue that lot of people look at that sort of info and think it means that Hawaii is not really American.

Lawd, I has the vapors!

I love how people think that saying it’s a joke somehow negates the fact they’re being racist or sexist. Who cares it’s only a joke!! Said every bully ever.

Oh Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, I do declare! That one sure was a knee-slapper! Suh, you are the livin’ end, I say, the vereh limit!

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.

While Kissinger may be a complete shitstain on humanity, the dude’s been in diplomacy for a long time. He can’t help but have learned a little something about plausible deniability, and that what’s not said often is much, much more important than what is.

I’m deeply resentful of 45's administration for many reasons; on the list is that his presidency has forced me to say things like, “Wow, this Kissinger piece is hilarious” and “Let’s not besmirch the good name of Richard Nixon by comparing him to Trump.”