At this point, Bernie can kiss my black ass. I just don’t like him.
Hm... excuse me, excuse me, Senator, I hate to tell you this... but your male privilege is showing... yeah right there, just a smidge. Better get that fixed because you don’t want to go out in public that way, how embarrassing would that be?
I’ve never been a huge Bernie supporter but now he’s gone from mildly annoying to incredibly annoying.
She was a Goldwater girl, said Superpredators once and is supposedly a yucky war hawk? I don’t know.
Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck…
The part you are missing is his complete ambivalence and lack of support towards the congressional race currently happening in Georgia.
Nope sorry, you can’t have a true progressive movement without an explicit pro-choice stance.
Bernie, go home, you’re drunk.
I can (and do) compromise on some things, reproductive rights aren’t one of them. There are legislatures where Pro-choice control is very slim and compromise would be the demise
How the hell are they going to complain about Hillary and pull this shit?
Now you decide to drop the ideological purity test, seriously?
I don’t need ideological purity or any such bullshit from anyone - but don’t expect me to get excited about giving anyone who wants to violate my bodily autonomy power. Don’t expect me to be happy or even just passive about being a 2nd class citizen.
For just a second, can I be blunt? Go fuck yourself Bernie.
I am once again wondering why Democrats give a shit about Bernie Sanders’ opinion as he is not now, nor has he ever been, a Democrat.
I totally agree with what he’s saying about supporting the best candidate which means you aren’t necessarily going to agree with them on everything but this seems deeply hypocritical given HIS OWN track record! The New Republic had a really good summary of what the guiding philosophy for rebuilding the Democratic…
So he supports this guy, but was dissing Jon Ossoff, who is an actual progressive?
Bottom line: Women are human beings capable of making THEIR OWN DAMN DECISIONS about all aspects of their lives. Senator Sanders, do you understand that? And no, don’t try mansplaining your way out of this.