Villagers with pitchforks is what made Trump win.
Villagers with pitchforks is what made Trump win.
Why is everyone sitting with their legs crossed at the knees and wearing cocktail dresses? It’s like a requirement for conservative women these days- which is bizarre as it isn’t a proper way to sit per any grandma ever- which you would think conservative women should know!
I like how having a “mom” of Syrian descent allows them to validate denying refugees admission to the country. I mean if she doesn’t want them here....
I have a cat who looks like a Russian Blue but is actually a gray tabby. He is concerned that he will be stereotyped for his appearance.
White Nationalism. (Basic Bitch edition.)
They probably don’t even think about it, because none of their children are likely old enough now. But guess what bitches? Wars tend to fucking drag on for decades, if you hadn’t noticed, and your little fuckers will be 18 before you know it. And if we end up going to war with N Korea, meaning also with China, in…
My cat is a Russian Blue and cares about the Russia issue because I think that he might be a Russian spy.
Sadly no, in fact I once had a bitter (ly stupid) argument with a distant relative about a “Military Wife” sweatshirt. (Long and short, she felt her husband’s stint in the National Guard made her praiseworthy. There was also some lady who went viral demanding Obama send her husband (Army I think) overseas to fight in…
This is going to be a scorching hot take, but merely bearing and raising a child does not in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM make you qualified to talk about the Trump/Russia allegations and wider societal implications on (what could be generously described as) a news program.
I don’t know why we keep entertaining dividing these folks into serious sub-groups within the Trump coalition. Trump didn’t win because of some consistent and serious policy. He wasn’t elected on some kind of serious policy platform. These people aren’t ever going to make sense trying to view them through that lense.…
My family consisting of me, my partner, and our four cats, cares DEEPLY about the Russia issue.
Is the inclusion of two brunette women as part of the “Security Moms” panel Fox’s attempt at diversity?
This is yet another reminder that having a child does not suddenly make you an expert on literally anything, and that the act of birth is something that literally billions upon billions of people around the world, both very smart and incredibly fucking dumb, have done throughout millenia.
Fuck every single one of them. They all spent 8 years being complete and total shits about President Obama. They can suck it up and deal with the many legitimate and real concerns we have over this damgerous idiot chump.
Each of these women better have at least one of her kids enlist, or shut the fuck up.
(I’m more of a French and Swiss cheese person, but don’t tell my mother that
My experience with American cheese (as a Briton) is that it’s excellent at the very high end (ie stuff that’s three figures a kilo), then there’s a massive empty gap, then you get orange plastic, with only a smattering in between.
This reminds me of when I took a pharmacy technician course and the instructor explained that Plan B could be purchased by anyone 17 or older, male or female. A handful of people were flipping their shit.
On the plus side, this waiter has likely cratered this restaurant’s business model.