The meanest snowflake is pissed off

Cool, but pour me a black & tan instead.

The Weather Channel is actually being funny, impressive.

Southern women know shade, Well done Reese.

An actual shade ruling.


Bread pudding. Really, really ugly bread pudding.

Pure selfishness is behind voting for Trump. There’s no other way to look at it other than “I don’t want to do anything for anyone else” attitude. Fuck them. Fuck them all with a large spiked red-hot rod. At this point I’m praying that diabetes kills all these fuckers with a slow, painful death.

I know what you mean. I’ve never felt true hate like I have in the last few months. I hate these people. I hate Trump. I hate everyone surrounding Trump. And I hate...HATE...the fucking dickwad braindead racist shitfucks who voted for him.

Given that Tom Price looks like someone’s dowdy spinster Aunt, who always forwarded bizarre conspiracy-theory emails about Obama, this seems par for the course.

But the real story is the illegal leaks of this highly sensitive information..

The biggest problem with the emails is that not many staff can read Cyrillic as of yet

Heh. Yep, I got the same email. When I got it I thought: a list of all the TV shows he went on to lie about TrumpCare? Seriously?

“...He’s sent out two emails so far (one per week), and so if the trend holds, I assume we’ll keep getting them...”

seems to me we live in Onion article

Right, I’m assuming that’s beyond the capabilities of anyone actually in the administration. They must have some poor intern handling anything remotely technical.

This really is the Greatest Administration of All Time.* And you can quote me on that ;)

Can we all ascape in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?

You just described a lot of how labor operates, especially in the US south.

Meh, as long as they’re not posting Stormfront articles, they’re exceeding my expectations.

Coincidently I think that is also the approach of his boss...