The meanest snowflake is pissed off

I’m surprised more people don’t comment on how Ivanka claims to be Orthodox (won’t answer the phone on Shabbat) but doesn’t bother with the dressing modestly part.

“Also, I bet when she watches Titanic, she thinks she’s Rose. Sorry girl, you’re Billy Zane.” I lost it at that part.

Have you dismantled every single microwave in the world to verify there are no super secret spycams in the display?!? HAVE YOU???

No other creature on Earth is as qualified to be my Spirit Guide.

I consider Ivanka Jewish because her conversion was valid, but I think her and Jarad have no qualms about selling out Jews to make a few more bucks.

Converted Jews are like the vegan crossfitters of Judaism: they can’t wait to tell you about it, nobody gives a shit, and you can’t wait for them to shut up.

She’s far from the first woman to think she’s a feminist or pro-woman while advancing the causes of rabid misogynistic pricks.

There’s an investigation in Congress because... Congressional GOP like the BS distraction from the horrific bills they want to pass just as much as Trump enjoys turning news on its head

I love this one. I wonder how Scarlett, who was born and raised Jewish, feels about Ivanka claiming to be Jewish and hiding behind her fake Jewish identity to deflect the charges of anti-Semitism that runs in the Trump administration.

This is on point.

You’re Billy Zane!!!

Yup. Barron is just a kid. And Tiffany, as someone astutely observed, is like the Meg Griffin of the Trump family. As for the other three, they deserve every bit of what they get, and then some.

Oh, absolutely. As far as I’m concerned, Ivanka Trump is an active enabler of this mess.

It’s good that SNL has finally stopped pulling the punches with Ivanka. She’s playing such an active role in the Presidency that she is totally fair game.

This. shit. cracked. me. UP. It was impeccably written.

Of course they don’t turn into cameras.

“...any number of different ways, and microwaves that turn into cameras, et cetera,” Conway said. “We know that this is just a fact of modern life.

Oh my god.... she’s the new Sarah Palin.

I’ve just realized that Steve Bannon is Randall Flagg.

“I’m out of town.”