The meanest snowflake is pissed off

From this week’s Shade Court array of cases Iconclude shade didn’t have a good week - just like the rest of us.

Don’t know your dad, but I have mad respect for him. That’s the good stuff right there.

Eating American tax dollars on gold plates.

Where the fuck is Melania anyways, is she hiding w/ Shelly Miscavige?


I am guessing that the Trump presidency will end in a similar vein to Al Capone going to prison for tax evasion - as much as it would be nice to impeach him for “being an all around terrible person”, it’s stuff like this that is more likely to do him in because it’s a clear violation of law, no ambiguity.

As long as the Republicans control Congress, Trump’s not in trouble in the least. Which is why it’s very, very important to vote in 2018. Protest all you want, but protesting and not voting in every state and municipal election is like painting a lifeboat on the deck of the Titanic.

A sternly worded letter?

I’m always happy whenever Trump gets chastised in an official capacity for any reason, but at the same time it SUPER bums me out that we have congressmen sending official letters to the president about twitter.

If something like being transparent with his taxes wasn’t enough, something silly like disobeying the Presidential Records Act certainly isn’t going to get him into any trouble either. While I don’t think his statement that he could kill a man in broad daylight and get away with it is true, I am reluctant to admit

The perfect response then, now, and forever.

such a good burn.

i’m with her...

I daren’t even dream!

That’s awesome.

Yep, this is a crafty legal move! I can’t wait to see what turns up

But didn’t you see that pile of folders Trump displayed when he claimed he was “handing over control” of his companies. That’s proof POSITIVE!!!! (Of course no one was allowed to see what was in the folders and they didn’t have any identifying info on the filing tabs.)

Even if he personally is not profiting, his fucking family is still raking it in. Now, with Secret Service protection!

According to CNN, this lawsuit is likely to get Trump’s tax return in discovery. That’s why the big legal guns are onto it (obviously this couple’s case is one the Democrats can use to get him on emoluments; Pitts and Gross couldn’t afford to sue Trump, with no damages yet).