
I’m going to be honest, there’s a lot going on in our country right now, so I can’t imagine she is a top priority. I understand that would be troubling to the family, but I’m not sure how quickly this could be resolved anyway, as Putin is busy attacking Ukraine. It’s not a matter of a phone call.

I feel like I’m going crazy. Biden can’t even get popular changes passed in his own country, but Jez somehow thinks that my dude can just waltz into a country you guys are in a proxy war with and “use his powers” to bust her out of prison?

It shouldn’t be.

I wish Jezebel would interview, like, a single person who knows about foreign policy and prisoner exchanges to try and understand what and if the government is doing and how these things work.

A) She and her lawyers admitted to having smuggled them

She also had to wear a stole as she could not get the zip up. So much for her faddy diet.


Aside from how evident it was that Kim was wearing Skims under the dress, when Marilyn was allegedly sewn in, Kim’s hair didn’t look great either. 

We hope this gave you a brief, blessed distraction from the demise of abortion rights in America.

She didn’t nail anything. The Dress was wasted at this event, because it had no bearing at all on the theme. AND she didn’t even look that great in it. Part of Marilyn’s allure in it was how “free” her body was under it. She wasn’t corseted up, she was sensuous. Kim looks freezedried. 

Jerry Seinfeld’s prolonged whingefest about the current state of comedy and PC culture is endlessly amusing to me. Like, does he have a solid 60 minutes of material about fisting that he’s always wanted to do or something? Has he been waiting his whole career to move on from airplane food to donkey punching? 

And Jerry Seinfeld bitching about how comedians have to be all PC now.

I found it fascinating to see comedy clubs immediately putting up signs about it, apparently, as if there’s a sincere concern from them that this is absolutely going to happen in comedy clubs now, in spite of the fact that this was an incident which took place between two stars at an award show. I’m not talking about

all the comedians complaining about the slap and all the people who are like “comedians can’t make jokes anymore?”

I mean, all kidding aside, I truly do not understand the appeal. To me the entire clan represent perfectly so much of exactly what is wrong with modern culture. They are celebrities with no actual creative talent. They are living embodiments of the ‘Instagram Reality’ memes. 95% of their ‘drama’ is manufactured in

It is more than right wingers that are concerned about trans women such as Thomas competing against cisgender women. And it hardly advances reasoned discussion on the issue to pretend so. Whether it is pure talent and determination that brought Thomas these wins, or the skeletal-muscular and lung capacity advantages

Truly exceptional swimmers, regardless of gender, are pretty rare. There’s a REASON everyone knew who Michael Phelps is, and before him it was Ian Thorpe and before that... man I can’t even remember? Because they were so far beyond the norm for that time that they stood out. Most years it’s a pretty close competition

Testosterone level makes the most sense. I do not know what swimming’s threshold is, but I am glad that the NCAA finally allowed each sport to come up with their own policy rather than a blanket policy that will apply to track & field, basketball, swimming, and rifle.

I absolutely hate when people invalidate mental and emotional harm by acting like anyone who doesn’t cause direct physical harm is completely innocent.