
The crazy thing is that their prenuptial already covers the issues of debts and the transfer of assets. I don't know about the marital privilege regarding new spouses but really why would a new spouse have any input on custody regarding children that are not theirs. It irks me to my soul that Kanye's antics have me

I haven’t heard about a head injury, just his publicly choosing to not comply w/ medication for his bipolar depression (& probably schizo-affective disorder) b/c he doesn’t like how they affect his creativity.
You know, like the creative way he showed his wife he loves her by buying a home in WY & leaving her in CA to

Meanwhile, the rest of us in normal income society, with mental health issues, brain trauma, and or complicated grieving issues are expected to act like adults, and face consequences for our actions.

It’s not much of an excuse because he can easily afford world-class medical care and therapy.

I’m really worried either Kanye or some obsessed fan of his is going to hurt or kill Pete Davidson. This is also putting KKW and their children in danger. He seems to be swinging wild from pleading to contrition to threats and it must be really frightening for his children. TBH, I think all the Kardashians are

I have to keep reminding myself that this dude is this way because he likely has brain damage from a horrible car accident, likely hasn’t had the proper counseling after the passing of his mother and refuses to listen to people who honestly care about him. He makes it very difficult though. 

Angie has always seemed to me to be Team Angie and the heck with the rest of the world.  And yes, I know about her UN stuff, so you don’t have to remind me.  And I’ve always looked sideways at rich white ladies adopting children from poor countries, no matter whether they’re Angie or Madonna or my friend’s sister. 

Selling your half of a joint business without notice is a “fuck you” move. Selling to a Russian oligarch is a “fuck you I hope he orders his goons to kill you after torturing you into signing over your half" move.

I didn’t. The way they got together was super messy, why wouldn’t the end be messy too? And Angelina may live a more stable lifestyle now than she did pre-Pitt, but she’ll always be the woman who exchanged vials of blood with her boyfriend. Brad was messy pre-Angie too (maybe not to the same degree).

I’m sure it’s legally & within her right to do so, but it’s blatantly wrong to sell your half of a business without notifying the co-owner of said business because yes, it does impact the operations of the existing owner. I’m on team Brad with this one. And then especially to a Russian oligarch which is already fishy

Yeah, I am disappointed that Jez is going along with the “Oh, Kanye being Kanye” narrative instead of maybe highlighting how this is actually in line with DV scenarios and that he is getting away with it because he is rich and famous. 

Yes! Most articles about Kanye’s behavior are not talking about this - it’s only in the comments where people are pointing out how actually scary this is and calling this what it is: stalking and harassment. 

That line bothered me, too. They’re doing nothing wrong. At most they should get a restraining order. They deserve to live their lives.

Why should Kim and Pete lay low? Kanye is the one acting like a full-on abusive stalker. It’s time for legal action.

I DO want to see a restraining order. Or at least a shut down of his social media. There’s no point in restraining him if he still has access to encourage his fans to do his bidding.

To quote Pete Davidson.

At what point do Kanye’s antics go from mania and a mental health collapse into DV and chargeable offenses. Because uh, it sure looks like stalking and harassment to me... 

“Skete in real life scream at yhe [sic] looser at the top of your lungs and say Kimye forever.”

I have seen enough episodes of Dateline and 20/20 to know that Kanye is dangerous. I hope Kim, Pete and anyone else in his crosshairs has quality security.

Kanye West is stalking Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson. It is not a far reach to say that at least one of his idot “fans” will take his messages as personal instructions to act violently. She needs to take some legal action.