
You really need to stop defending these people. They didn’t just so happen to shoot someone. These were disgusting, violent, bloody murders of innocents people by cult followers. I think you don’t even know how these horrific murders occurred. They literally had blood orgies over the mutilated corpse of pregnant woman.

I remember that summer very well. It was terrifying and I don’t care how much progress she made in prison, what she did to Rosemary LaBianca should have been enough to deny her parole forever.

Making out like the families of her victims are unreasonable for wanting a spree killer to remain behind bars is a hot garbage take, even for Jezebel, a sure that lives scraping the bottom of the barrrel.

File this under the most unnecessary and unasked-for take on the Manson murders ever offered. You weren’t around; you know nothing about the feeling that took over the country and lingers still. 

The headline and tone of this post feels off. You don’t conceive well into your forties without either a) having a history of super fertility, like my great grandmother who had the last of her seven children at age 45 or b) having money and access to reproductive technologies, like my sister who carried her first

A “natural” pregnancy at 54 is exceptionally unusual.  Even with medical intervention (IVF, etc) is is very *very* unlikely.

Did she say she was pregnant?  Or did she say she was going to have twins?  When I watched it this morning, it seemed like they were making sure to not say she was pregnant, just that she was going to have twins.  

It’s awesome that it worked out for these specific celebrities, but it does get harder/less likely/you are more at risk of complications to both you and your child as you get older. I have friends who have put tremendous amounts of money and heartache into trying to get pregnant in their 40s, not to mention wear and

Conceived how? If these 45+ women are using donor eggs and IVF to get pregnant, well great for them! But that doesn’t mean that the average women will be able to follow suit. Fertility isn’t quite the sudden and quick dropoff that many think it is, but it does diminish over time. Freezing your eggs when you’re younger

I can’t afford housing

Why are you shaming Reynolds for trying to say its ok to have life saving procedure, that a lot of people won’t do it, because they have to go into your ass, especially man?? 

I know it’s Jezebel’s thing to be all edgy and whatnot, but Ryan Reynolds should be applauded for streaming his colonoscopy, not made fun of. Younger people are being diagnosed with colon cancer at alarming rates (my husband was 34 - he’s thankfully cancer free now) and anything that encourages people to get their

All that talent, and she’s an Ivy Leaguer as well!

I also think we need to listen to the lived experience of female athletes who have competed with transwomen and not kneejerk dismiss any concerns as transphobia or terfdom. It is worrying to me how there can be no challenging whatever the party line is on trans issue, a party line that has changed rapidly in the last

If it’s not about winning medals, then couldn’t trans women just compete in the mens division and nullify any arguments?

Really that’s all you’ve got? Someone already posted a related citation, you can go find the rest yourself.

Sadly, the area of gay and trans rights is one where progressives have shown they are just as willing as conservatives to be anti-science. It’s striking how readily they will dismiss any number of scientific studies using the excuse that they must be biased. It’s sad that they use the idea that anyone who presents

While this is an excellent way for transphobes to find a way to be exclusionary towards trans people - is the argument that people who go through a male puberty would have an unfair advantage in female sports so outlandish?

There have been and continue to be emerging scientific studies that show that even well past post-op, trans women retain 95% of their strength even 1 year after starting testosterone suppressive therapy.

It seems disingenuous to say that this is simply an attack on trans athletes and that it’s not about protecting fair competition for female athletes when there is no one pushing for banning trans men from competition. If it were just about oppressing trans people there would be blanket bans, not only bans based on