
James Charles is a fucking sexual predator. the fact that this is being glossed over and presented as a petty feud about vitamins and sponsorships is incredibly lazy and dishonest. I am guessing this predatory aspect is being ignored here because the idea of even bring it up would fit a not too comfortable narrative.

how about you leave her the fuck alone and stop speculating, you sound patronising as hell and bit envious.

This fucking petty hate boner is just so very hard for you guys to quit.

Taika Waititi, who I love so very much, was or is planning a film about Bubbles.

This his opinions are like his music. He samples. He proclaims to be a genius and a free thinker without a trace of irony in that the shit he spews is just recycled white supremacist thought.

Juana La Loca. And, lol, she was not crazy, but the victim of a pretty repugnant smear campaign that still goes on to this day. 


Kendall is gay, why oh why does PMK hook her up with these dumb as fuck fake relationships

Jay Roach is a fantastic comedic director and he did a great job with Game Change. Cannot wait!

Both weirdly stretched and plumped up in the face. Fuck, if even with all THEIR money they still get such shit results, guess my impoverished ass better not even bother with plastic surgery

She pushed you out of her vagina. That is it. She is not your mother. You owe her nothing and she is damn lucky you evrn agreed to meet. Fuck her.


That is my suspicion, too but I want to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Bobby Finger ando Rich are strangely dismissive of Griffin and, her whole experience stemming from the backlash. Is it some sort of resentment? This was rather recent, therefore the backlash and all it entailed is still pretty vivid and FUCK yeah it was pretty scary I do not blame Griffin one bit for her initial

She was deemed a porker (literally branded the Duchess of Pork) by the press and she got caught getting her little piggies getting sucked on by some guy in 1992. Treatment was terrible but also has made terrible decisions such as offering to trade access to Prince Andrew for money. And that awful Weight Watchers


Why should it not have been included? Am I a big fat ugly racist for wondering why there was there has not been a mention? It was on every other site. Go fuck yourself.

Aha, missed that post. Thanks!