
1) SJP, Kim publicly broke up with you and the franchise first several years ago. If you want to claim you broke up with her first, okay. But at least you’re respecting her wishes instead of making her the butt of most of the jokes on your show.

Respecting Kim’s wishes would be keeping her name out of her mouth. Respect would be to say, “That’s not my place to answer that.” “We worked around some absences.”

RFK Jr. is considered to be one of the “Dirty Dozen of Disinformation”. I’m not a fan of social media but damn if he hasn’t been banned repeatedly for his dumb takes on everything.

I mean, aside from the anti-semitism of the comment, he is an absolute fucking moron. Does he actually think Jews were allowed to hide during WWII or that it was easy to hole up in a building for years at a time or cross into Switzerland? If it were so easy 6 million people wouldn’t have let themselves get killed. 

Yes, it feels like Jared Leto has been afflicting us for a lot longer than that.

Hey, Jez! Hire me! I can do the bare minimum too. Like it took me milliseconds to locate this gem about this show’s bribing Golden Globe voters

I don’t want to suggest anything that might be too uncomfortable, but maybe stop hate-watching bad things so they stop making new seasons of them. 

Really? There aren’t 1,000 other shows that can be watched that are not as terrible? This show basically revels in the fact that Emily personifies “Ugly American” and the worst Millenial tropes, and then rewards her for it.

Nobody cares that you forced yourself to watch something you didnt like just to drum up 300 words for a blog post.


Sorry if I’ve offended you James. Just pointing out the obvious when I see it.

No part of me believes it. I think he’s trying to retain his spotlight.

Based on what his ass looked like in those chaps at Coachella, he just wanted to show off his Brazilian Butt Lift. 🍑🙅🏻‍♀️

I feel bad even thinking this, but James Charles has the most punchable face. Everything about him, from the alterations he’s had done, to the hairdo, to the colored contacts, to the breathless and perky delivery and vocal mannerisms, to the style of makeup he does, makes me want to scream uncontrollably in his face

James Charles Nudes !

There was probably a lot of prepping involved. Getting the lighting right so his but doesn’t look like it has cellulite.

Me too! Except I wondered “is that a screenshot from SecondLife?” because I am old.

Seriously, this. He’s just another sad, pathetic attention seeker.

That James Charles “nude” is about as authentic as that Instagram chic who miraculously photographed her motorcycle accident. 

I’m sorry, but I don’t believe the Charles kid AT ALL about the blackmail lol. Someone hacked his phone and that’s the only nude/embarrassing photo he had on it? Sure, Jan.