
Isn’t Naomi the person who beat her maid with a phone because she could?

This seems to be one of Joan Summers’ pet projects - recasting Naomi Campbell as a great gal and any negative coverage of her as obvious misogyny and racism. It is a weird pet project to choose.

The nonstop attempt to introduce Naomi 2.0: “The Nice Version” is still a difficult pill to swallow - precisely because she’s been such a pill for 30 years. Ask anyone who ever worked for her (or their worker’s comp claim for injuries sustained).

Brandon Lee was talking about Miley Cyrus and Kaitlyn Jenner (the other one) being ridiculous and so fake, not just “two women”.

Finding out he was Bella Thirsty-Thorne’s ex didn’t help his cause.

You know, sometimes I think about how exciting it is that I get to marry my partner soon, when it would not have been legal at all a handful of years ago. And that I get to legally call her my family, and imagine us growing into sassy weird old ladies together.

Okay but she looks at least 30...? 

Can we just ban the racist, intellectually disabled troll that thinks links to unrelated stories published in rags such as the “Daily Mail” are sources?

It’s one of those truly horrifying things Trump and his crowd are doing that’s gotten next to no coverage.

The amazing part of this story is that Trump’s EPA even bothered with this. Last year, they actually stripped the prohibition on asbestos in the US for the first time in >30 years. And guess which country is the only remaining source for asbestos mining... (Russia, natch).

i know this post is prob in jest (re: baby pics) but it is so, SO creepy that this site would push the “NEED TO SEE THE ROYAL BABY” narrative instead of... letting the family choose for itself? even if this is a jokey post, it wierds me out

The tantrums of the tabloid press have been a sight to behold over the week baby Archie has been alive. Daily Mail actually admitted to seeking out and trying to bribe female ob/gyns into confessing they treated Meghan

On the surface, it can seem transactional but if you’re a Tati (or JC) fan and dig deep into the beauty community, it really isn’t.  

As long as she picked them, I am cool with it. She wore heels all through her pregnancy, and as crazy as it sounds, there are plenty of women who wear heels so often that they feel more comfortable in them (I know women whose calves hurt when they switch to flats!).

It was an elegant sidestepping of the benign racist comment about whom the baby looks like. You could tell that Harry was very protective. 

My British fiance and I have been engaged 2 1/2. This Transatlantic wedding shit is complicated, especially when you both work all the time and need fairly complicated prenups.

I’m going to guess that the reason there was no Barr cold open (or any political satire at all outside of a few Update jokes) was a sop to Sandler’s fan base. I’m betting his mainly white, suburban frat bro fans skew more Republican than the average SNL viewer. The show was going to get a ratings bump this week, so

To be able to legally drink at their wedding reception? She’s only 23. Waiting seems like a smart thing to do when you get engaged at 20.

She was filming Game and Thrones and was maaybe 20. So she took some time for herself. And they’ve survived and thrived. Good for them! I’m pulling for them. They seem sincere and like they have a solid relationship.