
Sophie Turner is flawless and went through puberty with astonishing grace. I want to know who was mean to her so I can go full Faceless Man on them. 

Famous Mockingbird is Tomatoface. Do not engage with his stupidity.

Was going to say this. You can have the screen turned almost all the way down with it also covered and just snapped pics the whole time. Easy

I mean, it’s not like that’s all he was doing. It was probably a few hours of effort over a period of a year. Totally worth it.

She dresses like a Dynasty themed Barbie. The only time I like LVP’s fashion choices is when she’s in white tee and jeans mode.

I agree. I don’t know why people think there would be no show without her. I generally find her to be manipulative, but dull. Her condescension and snobbery seem unearned to me, seeing as how many of the woman are as rich/richer than her, more famous than her, have worked as hard/harder than her, etc. I have always

I think she show would get soooo much better with LVP gone. She drags them down and takes up too much attention. Its time for her to exit. 

All the RHOBH storylines and moments that have had Lisa’s manipulative fingerprints all over them —Munchausengate, Puppygate, etc— have been among the show’s most tedious. And all of the most legendary explosive moments —dinner party from hell, the Richards sisters limo fight, game night, poker night, Rinna vs. Kim

The story in my head is that they were too trashy even for tacky moneyed British elite, and had to come to the US.

LVP showed how “classy” she is last night when she stood their grinning while her dog peed on thousands of dollars of marble and made no move to stop it or even apologize.  Entitled piggish behavior. 

I am amazed that Pete Doherty is still alive.

I am fast coming to the conclusion that it’s not just that women are disregarded and disrespected, I think we are actively hated and this reveals itself through the legal system over and over. 

Is this the result of male judges who buy their elections? Did the prosecutors sign-off on this? I hope there is outrage and election consequences.

I can’t even read this article. Nothing will surprise me. The total disregard for women's suffering is nothing new, sadly. I’ve been consumed by true crime podcasts lately, because my job allows me to listen to things while I carry out menial tasks. My overarching takeaway is that people ignore their gut far to often,

Or a third option that you haven't considered. And whatever the case may be, YOU don't get to determine the "right" or "wrong" way to consume narrative.

Wow. Just.... wow. “they’re catering to all those watching the show wrong”.

This episode hit all my sweet spots.

What in the fuck are you talking about?  The episodes that make this show great involve living humans, not ice zombies.  This was a cool episode, but in no way shape or form was the boring-ass Night King vs remaining humans going to be the end.

Lucky for you there’s an easy solution. Just pretend this actually was the final episode and find something else to do on Sunday nights.

And now we understand why Bran gave her the dagger.