
Pajamas originated as everyday wear in India, and were adopted by the British as casual wear during the Raj. It was only later that they came to be used primarily as sleepwear. If there’s something about a specific form of clothing that makes it unsuitable for wearing in public (too revealing/sheer, maybe) I can see a

I knew the principal had to be African American. The language of the dress code is redolent of “respectability” shaming. 

Because it doesn’t matter.  It’s a shit policy and it doesn’t matter if you’ve opened your home to puppies or wrote To Kill A Mockingbird...putting this in place is gross and discriminatory.

Yeah I remember in school getting a detention for forgetting an art smock. But my school did nothing to deal with the bullying I received in a CHURCH SCHOOL. (And one of the main offenders was a ‘Preacher’s Kid’)

This really pisses me off. It’s bad enough so many schools are going to uniforms, which limit expression and force staff into the role of prison wardens (no hoodies, shirt tucked in, where’s your belt, skirt’s too short). Not to mention uniforms do nothing to hide income disparity because cleanliness, shoes,

Unless it’s for safety - dress codes are restrictions of personal freedom and shouldn’t be allowed IMO. “Approriate” dress is dictated by rich, conservative people and it needs to stop. Beyond racism, they’re also classist. 

Your hat is stupid

No.  She dips her jade eggs in it and shoves them up her vagina. 

Additionally, I never realized she had a boob job until this picture.  Not doing either of them any favors in the chestal regions.

Hey now, assholes drink wine too. 

There are a lot of these “hot young things” I’ve thought that about! Bella, yes, and the girl Drake is-or-is-not dating, and Hailey Baldwin. Is it plastic surgery? The way they do their makeup? I dunno, but none of them look nearly as young as they supposedly are.

In what world is Bella Hadid only 21. She looks like a grown ass woman. I think she’s beautiful, but I also think she looks like a hot divorcee with a young child at home in that pic. 

I appreciate your level of fuckery. I love retribution and this is an awe inspiring plan. She should do it.   

The sites people- especially those claiming to be more woke than the average republican male- should definitely feel guilty about are the blind gossip ones like CDAN. They promote some of the most violating, anti-woman and really just inhumane propaganda out there. I seriously side-eye feminists who peddle that kind

Oh, Kardi. Eartha Kitt did all of it better; the cat eye, the claws, and she did in her Cat-illac!

Maybe she tried and they declined to do anything if he’s not on her private property? But the driveway might be enough to convince them.

She’s attractive, and there were two paparazzi incidents in her past involving her engagement to her ex-husband and her backside - so, big enough market I suppose?

Regarding the stalker..

The only thing celebrities line up for, in my opinion, is a job that includes a lot of promotional work. I’ve seen lots of famous people but wouldn’t have dreamt of even asking for an autograph unless they were at an event where that was expected much less followed them to get their picture. This is not okay and I

If anyone with the name Markle has planned out the headlines by day it’s the piece of shit father and half sister...