
Sarah Sanders is the hell-spawned love child of Bud Light and diabetes. She better get out before her ass is indicted by Mueller for something. But, bless her heart, she’s gonna Eva Braun this thing, reality be damned.

I’m sure there’s a secretary, but if you want to try it:

Can someone in the White House press corp remind this woman that government employees don’t work for the Trump Corporation. They work for the people.

What the fuck are you implying by this comment?

As an exception, Kurt Vonnegut fought in WWII, came back to the US and raised 3 children with his wife, adopted his sister’s 3 young children as well when she died of cancer and his brother in law died in an accident, and was a consistent voice in criticizing the rising reactionary political Right in the US. Seemed

That’s funny, I was wondering how long it would take for the Bernie Blamers to show up.

Superdelegates influenced the result of the 2016 Primary, because they are a guarantee that resistance is futile. Had Hillary failed to win a first vote at the Convention, her control over the Superdelegates guaranteed her victory in a Second vote. It is a nuclear option. Consequently, delegates know that they might

The electoral college that has allowed republicans to win the white house several times despite losing the popular vote? Or how a senator that represents less than 300,000 people can cancel out the vote of a senator that represents 18 million people? 

Candy? Batteries? Broccoli? I don’t fucking care. Point is, all the white kids I grew up with who chronically shoplifted, never got tazed and never would. Does anyone really believe that Kroger backs this (security) behavior up as policy? Fuck no!

According to the article, she and her friends stole some candy. Which isn’t okay, but JFC it doesn’t merit getting tased either. You chase them down, cite them, and call their parents.

“You know what, sweetheart, this is why there’s no grocery stores in the black community, because of all this going on,”

I used to think we, as a society, used to have a general understanding of the indefensible. However, since the world collectively decided to go batshit insane and everything seems so cattywampus, I doubt we’ll hear a full throated reproach of this officer. Instead, I think we’ll get a lot of blaming an 11-year-old for

I understand they’ve never done it. I also understand they were explicitly created so they could do it. Nor am I a fan of the idea of some votes counting way more than others. It’s antithetical to a democracy.

Six big fucking cops surrounding her, taser prongs in her back and that asshole is telling her “Just relax, just relax...”

Jesus, you asshole. It’s just stuff. If a kid is stealing food out of a supermarket I have a feeling she is hungry. That right there (children going hungry) and the other, much bigger crimes (worthy of tazing assholes), are happening in America every second. I can’t even get started.

Look at that fat fuck who can’t run after an 11-year-old but gets paid with our tax dollars to serve and protect. Cops who can’t pass elementary school PE shouldn’t be allowed on the streets.

You realize that 20% of superdelegates being black is lower than the 22% of registered democrats who are black right?  And that underrepresentation will actually increase because the percentage of black democrats in congress and governorships is lower than 20%? So how does reducing the power of a group over

I appreciate Rob’s honesty on what it really takes to achieve a body like that. I roll my eyes when Cameron Diaz and Renee Zellweger claim to have high metabolism or Kate Middleton says that running after her kids is what keeps her in shape.

I don’t think Perry was talking at him or anyone who works....he was responding to the people who were shaming him over it.

Fat Mac was maybe five years ago? He’s been back to his normal weight for a bit. Don’t know if it’s necessarily great for you, but I don’t think it’s super dangerous either.