
Nicki and Ariana—both of whom are meticulous about what they say in interviews

Sounds to me like she was just explaining the genesis of the idea, since there is literally nothing to defend here. And if someone did ask her to “defend it” then we got an asshole over there as well as over here! 

Both she and Warren were right. There are two sets of cards. Because auditors on both sides of the stage have a copy. Once the category is called the auditor who didnt hand the card throws their card away. But the auditor forgot to do so. So, Warren Beaty was given Emma Stones card AND Emma Stone still had her card.

Yeah, I think the author of this post is confused. She won Best Actress legitimately. The only thing she said was that she was holding her “Best Actress” win card when they announced Best Picture, so she didn’t buy Warren Beatty’s excuse that he was given a card with the wrong winner on it (Beatty said the card read

Wait. Ariana Grande is Italian. Have Italians gone back to being non-white? But, I’ll be honest until they lampooned it on SNL I thought Grande was Latina! Which we reminds me of a quote from Gina Torres where she says the ‘world’ wants Latina’s that look Italian, not like her, Black.

Wait, What the hell is this article about? You’re mad because this is an interview where two people talk? and now what exactly? A hard hitting interview of Emma  Stone?? This is so confusing. Why are you mad??? And is there actual backlash or did you just make that shit up? Because this article is the first i’ve heard

Ariana Grande is definitely white. She just spray tans.

I mean look, it’s Elle. It’s not hard-hitting journalism, neither of them are facing giant reputational issues or scandals right now, it’s just two boring friends (who happen to be famous) having a friendly conversation. There’s nothing to defend or condemn here, and I don’t understand why WWD or Jez even care at all

(The only even slightly juicy thing I can think of about her is how shocked she looked when Moonlight won Best Picture at the Oscars two years ago and how reluctant she looked to relinquish her trophy.)

What a hero Striegler is, helping boost the confidence of his young female relative by telling her he wants to have sex with her. Truly the sort of support all young folk need!

I clearly remember her dismissing his words as “boys talk” or some bullshit. When did she ever say in public that those words were unacceptable to her? And how can she say it doesn’t represent who he is? It’s exactly who he is. He’s always been a mean, vulgar, petty little creep. The NFL owners saw it back in the

She’s here for the money, the citizenship, and the access. If he choked on his big mac tomorrow I bet you $20 she’d slap a #ThoughtsandPrayers on twitter and call it a day.

Just because it’s absurd doesn’t mean it can’t be true. We know this now.

She may have refused to be by his side for whatever reason but I distinctly remember her giving an interview abiding by the talking point that his comments should be deemed ‘locker-room talk’ instead of taken seriously. She also went along with her husband birther lunacy against Obama. Make no mistake this one knows

Am I the only one who gets weird cultish vibes from Hillsong? It’s the church Selena Gomez is a member of (together with the Biebs and hisfiancee), and in that Elle interview she mentioned she moved in with a fellow friend from church. I don’t know, something about it weirds me out (besides their stance on

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Warm your hearts with this video of future president Kamala Harris knifing Kavanaugh in the belly and gutting him like a fish.

Thank you. Shame I had to scroll all the way down for this. Obama gave eight years of his life in the most thankless job there is and we, the United States voters, chose NOT to secure his legacy. Obama owes us NOTHING.

I suspect Asia Argento done fucked up.

With you on that last item.  I have not liked Bob Saget since that horrific joke he made about his infant daughter.  (I will add here that I have a pretty sick sense of humor, so if I was was bad.)

Oh fuck off with the Obama shaming.