
I mean yeah attack the one person who has name recognition and blame her for the state of women today.

Somewhere along the way curves stopped meaning “shape” and started meaning “woman carrying some extra weight on her” and I’ve seen women that are sexy and curvy get referred to as curvy then become upset because “I’m a size 6! I’m not curvy!” It’s all very upsetting and weird and it makes me want to give all women

What Jamil is saying would be true and important no matter her body size, and I agree that shaming skinny people by saying “real women have curves” is body shaming just as much as criticizing people for being plus sized.

She’s also been vocal against ableism and in support of providing more accommodations for people! And she’s dating James Blake (not Blunt), who makes great music and is inherently cooler by virtue of dating her.

Interesting not mentioning her campaign #IWeigh ...

Look, I was already in love with Jameela Jamil. If you keep telling me all the ways she is incredible that I didn’t already know about then I’ll have nothing left to surprise me when she finally comes to take me away from all this. Just leave us a little something for ourselves, hm?

Come back when you have curves?? Are they insane? Her body is amazingly curvy.

It’s incredibly frustrating that all these insightful and important things that Jameela said are now reduced to this dumbass story involving the Kardashians. Can we just be done with that family and talk about how awesome Jameela Jamil is on her own?

Jamil is right. The factory rebuilt K-people - and what they’re marketing to impressionable girls everywhere - are like Number 12 Looks Just Like You. What the K-people are selling (not just the appetite suppressants and corsets) is a dangerous and extreme product: conformity at any cost.

He’s not bound in his future rulings to what he says to her or even what he says in his confirmation hearings (unless he blatantly lies about some fact in his background I guess). I’m sure he’ll say whatever he needs to say to get confirmed, and Susan Collins will blindly believe him (or pretend to, anyway).

I have no insight into his views on Roe v. Wade—something extremely important to me as a liberal, female Democrat and mother of a teenage girl. But whatever he decides on Roe, I know it will be because he believes the Constitution requires that result.

Yup. They are just awaiting the orders.....

She can pay for her daughter to get an abortion in secret, so fuck everyone else. She got along with this ghoul when she met him so hurry the hell up and confirm him already!

Christ, that story about the little girl with appendicitis, whose searing pain was ignored by officials at the Border Patrol detention center for over 70 hours, until she passed out from pain, is nauseating. People who can torture children are probably willing to commit genocide, too.

Holy shit this lady:

OMG Eric Idle tweets! <3


I was pretty excited to see a racist fb post about Kaepernick’s Nike deal get shut down this morning by several of my fb friends.
The guy had support of one other person when he said he was boycotting Nike, he was opposed by 15 people supporting Kaepernick including 3 active duty/veterans.
He backtracked with “i’m not