
I can’t believe that it needs saying (looking at you Fox News and Daily Mail) is an honest job something to be ashamed of?? All honest jobs, that do not harm anyone else have their own dignity. I just can’t with people who think that their job entitles them to lord over other people.

HE WORE HIS NAME TAG TO THE INTERVIEW!!! God, Mr. Owens is awesome.

The Proposal is still my favourite rom com of all time.

The Proposal is great and If you haven’t seen Crazy Rich Asians yet you are crazy.

How about the media, present company included, just STOP covering the dating lives of anyone under say the age of 25. No Millie Bobbie Brown/Baby Cyrus’/Disney stars or other teen stars. I don’t want to hear about purity pledges, first kisses on screen or their crushes.

This will soon be updated to say that he has been disinvited as of about 7:00 EST.

To me, this is just more evidence that editors and the like see this kind of thing as a sort of interesting exercise. It just shows me they have no real skin in the game. These ideas are more than well-known. In fact, they’re nigh foundational in America. To present it as if it’s a curiosity, and not just a retread of

Everyone at FuckedNews makes their bank by blowing Valdimir Putin, but this guy’s the one who should be ashamed?

This is peak FOX bullshit.

First off, work is work, and the people who do an honest job should be treated with dignity and respect, on the clock and off.

Parking tickets are non violent offenses that really shouldn’t include jail time. Ask people in poor neighborhoods how often they get targeted with parking tickets compared to richer neighborhoods. 

The self reinforcing is truly mind boggling. People have a fetish (yes, fetish) for voting against their self interest. 

Come on now, it’s not like he told her to eat her own vomit, right? /s

They let a woman suffer for days until she died, one of them got a finger wagging and the other got MONEY?!?!? WTF?!?! Why aren’t THEY in prison now?

TY TY TY. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s said things like that to pos like this. Sometimes we just have to be honest w/ our feelings. Fuck this guy and whatever’s left of his “career.”

Awful events like this are why so many people fear calling the cops, or getting them involved in any way. Actually, this is just one of many reasons.

I mean this when I say it:  fuck these shit fuckers. I hope they die terrible, terrible deaths, alone and screaming for help. 

Fucking insane. The officer considers going to the hospital for withdrawal symptoms to be “getting what you want”? I’m so tired of of people who have no clue how these situations work having the authority to make these decisions.

“A county district attorney who investigated the case neglected to press charges, arguing that they did not exhibit any “cruel, oppressive or malicious treatment” toward Coltrain.”

“cruel, oppressive or malicious treatment”

What is their fucking definition of cruel and malicious, here? Telling a woman who’s convulsing and vomiting to “clean that up” is totally acceptable by their standards?