
People take all kinds of things forced on them and make it their own. And it’s not just black people; how do people think Europe became Christianized? And it’s not just Christianity, which is why I always laugh at the Nation of Islam folks who see African American Christians as less-than or somehow put upon by

He was eulogizing a child-mother. Whose own pastor-father raped a peer of hers. And this man wanted to come for everyone but the truth?

Fuck that trash ass preacher! I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he were responsible for at least one of the parishioners becoming a single mother in the first place.

He was garbage and aligned with the dancing coons who supported 45- Clark, Carson, Steve Harvey, Chappell, and those black preachers who keep popping up and those who watch Kelly sit on her feet on that Oval Office picture.

I once wrote a lengthy story (in the Defamer/Gawker era) about what a truly loathesome person he really is - and not just the misogyny; rude and self-important to everyone, even beloved showbiz legends to whom anyone would at least show respect.

Not sure if this is a serious question or sarcasm, but most women are still very much capable of getting pregnant in their 40s. It’s riskier, but totally possible.

Steve Harvey has made a career of out of telling women no one loves them because they are inadequate. His advice reduces men to single cell brained animals who have no interests outside of sex and women must be obsequent servants to their every whim to deserve love. It’s beyond me, why anyone would listen to him. He

As of writing this post every single episode of HOC involving Kevin Spacey is available on Netflix, so I don’t understand your comparison. It seems disingenuous at best.

Floyd Mayweather, who is most welcome to re-decorate my home or workplace any time

That Washington Post story is so enraging you can barely think straight. It has all the hallmarks of something that little ghoul Steven Miller would come up with.

Same here. 
I’m even annoyed at having to scroll past so many of them.

They support him because they are awful malignant monsters just like him. 

“Deporting” legal citizens of the USA. They’ve finally reached that stage.. Oh well, to all the Trump supporters out there, have fun when they say your birth certificate is a fake. In the end, they want only the whitest shade of white, and the most Christian of the Christians.

Strip them of citizenship and deport them, and they can’t vote. There’s going to be a lot more of this before Trump is thrown out of office. 

Two things about that nightmare of a story from the Washington Post: that is just so desperately fucked up, and what the fuck are American wages? I live in Canada, and even after converting to USD, I make about as much as the prison guard in the story and I’m  a damn cashier! How does anyone justify paying that little


Gillum camp’s response was short and sweet: “As we say in Tallahassee, bless his heart.”

Crime rates in Tallahassee actually dropped substantially in 2017. I know this because I just read this article, and the Donald Trump quote referencing crime in Tallahassee. “Quasar,” I said to myself, “I bet you I could find, in less than ten seconds of research, that this statement by Donald Trump, like every

Honestly, I think this is very bad wishful thinking. Not only will Trump not quit—there’s nothing in his history or personality that suggests as much—but he will be very difficult to beat in 2020 if Dems don’t get their shit together, and people don’t get out and vote. He is an incumbent President that will have no

Donating $20 to Gillum’s campaign today.