
Not in a situation where two people are sober and actively making out. Do all of you live in a world where sex is a series of command prompts asking if you’d like to continue or not? He wasn’t an employer and wasn’t in a position of power, at any point during that story she could say no and judging by the texts they

He thinks all 11 million undocumented immigrants are serious criminals that the government needs to bend enormous resources to get rid of... even the ones who came here as toddlers. He is genuinely sick. 

I always had it in my head that people in office just say this so their base believes it. It never occurred to me that they actually believe it themselves.

A few days after the news broke that the trump administration was separating and imprisoning children, my 4 year old daughter caught a 24 hour stomach bug. She was up puking every hour or so all night and I slept next to her, making sure she puked in the bowl, wiping her chin, rubbing her back, giving her sips of

He didn’t receive verbal consent and didn’t receive verbal nonconsent.

Yeah I don’t think it follows that code.

He reportedly leads immigration policy meetings with rants about “immigrant criminals;”

The evil age much more rapidly than normal and yet, paradoxically, seem to live forever.

You can argue whether he was a creep or not, but it was absolutely not sexual abuse in the 3rd degree. Either you didn’t read the original article (don’t, it’s so fucking terrible) or the New York statute you’re quoting.

Yep. But it’s important that we be mad about anything and everything I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If it was a peck on the lips and he asked to grab a condom - I’d be like WTF??? But if I am making out with a guy, and you know hands are moving whatever - I’d think a condom would be a smart move.

That’s the point of the article. He wasn’t shunned, but Vulture is lumping him in with Louis CK’s comeback attempt and those two things aren’t the same.

I mean... I think there are plenty of people who have sex on a first date. 

Aziz Ansari doesn’t deserve the level of vitriol directed at Louis CK et al. CK masturbated to his subordinates then blackballed them with his influence. Aziz Ansari thought he was getting a groupie one night stand, she thought it was a date. Neither of them clarified their expectations for the night. He was an

i dunno.  he’s pretty funny.  first season of his show was good. 

Maybe you had to be there?

this post probably never would have been considered newsworthy enough to print”

I think there are people constantly dissing Periana too. Both are annoying. They kissed on stage - WHO CARES. Their mom hung out - WHO CARES!

Dreyer reviewed Mariee’s medical records from her time at Dilley at the request of her mother’s lawyers, and says that nurses and physician assistants overlooked several high fevers, and other signs that Mariee’s respiratory infection was getting worse.

Sooooo can we call them literal concentration camps now? Cause people are dying at these and they target a specific group?