
I really hate this picture, I know celebrities have no choice but to be photographed everywhere, but this seems like such a private and sad moment between two people who are still trying to raise three children together. This picture is an obnoxious invasion of their privacy.

I want to stab him with exclamation points like daggers. No one makes me seethe as much as the orange garbage can.

Reading some of these comments just pisses me off to be honest. Its one thing to speak about McCain as a politician of which he was mixed and bad if you are on the left. But McCain as a human being was beyond impeachable.

This is why we can’t have nice things like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Bernie Sanders.

Yup. She made one standard issue statement on somebody’s passing and people are roasting her alive for being to generous with the adjectives. Jesus Christ people, it’s just a forgettable boilerplate press release.

A politician shows actually decency during a period of mourning for a man who gave so much for his country and she is criticized for it. Good for Ocasio-Cortez her tweet was the proper way to react. Time and history will piece together his legacy let it, for now remember a man just died a little common decency is not

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

Couldn’t have said it better.

THE RIGHT: These Leftists are rising in popularity. We must tear them down!

It should be noted that Bernie Sanders’s tribute is near-identical to Ocasio-Cortez’s.” 

Eating our own, as per usual. 

Are people not allowed to be civil and even kind to whom they disagree with anymore?

Yeah, fuck everyone shitting on her. Being decent isn’t the same thing as being “weak” or “complicit” when someone dies.

The only real piece of shit here is you. The man did more for this country than your stupid ass sitting on the couch. 

I’m with you. You can say a lot of things about his politics but he’s part of a dying (or dead) era of politicians who revered those rules and customs and decorum that the rest of us are only now finding out are important to the continued function of democracy. I’m sure that sense of duty or honor - for lack of a

I know it’s not a popular take around these parts, but I’m going to mourn John McCain.

McCain dies but thousands will live because of that thumbs-down. For that alone, may he RIP.

Well it wouldn’t be a huge stretch that paparazzi were staking out his house given that he was seen with a 22 year old playboy model and paying for beer (when he’s a known alcoholic) a few days prior to the intervention. At the same time I’m not saying Garner may not have informed the paparazzi as Hollywood is dirty. 

My nephew worked with her prior​ to the filing for divorce and continues to do so. Jennifer is the real deal-just as genuinely nice and compassionate on and off screen and in both public and private. Always on time and professional. What you see is what is real and she’s​a lot of fun as well

lordy. the cynicism here is amazing.