
It would be such a clear indicator of a dickless, heartless coward. I hope to god I never meet a person who has done this.

This video is extremely inaccurate actually. Trophy hunting is super harmful to the African animal population and the vast majority of money from trophy hunting does NOT go to conservation. Most trophy hunting in Africa occurs in private parks where the money literally goes right into the pockets of land owners, which

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Jill Wine Banks was on with Ali Velshi earlier today and she concluded that with Weisselberg’s cooperation, this is leading to a RICO case (that the Trump Org was functioning as an organized crime family). She ought to know, she was a prosecutor of organized crime (and Watergate).

Trump is tweeting to his base, not Sessions. His goal is to discredit the investigation in their eyes.

A Giraffe foot mount? Seriously? If I went into someone’s house and saw one of those I would not think “this is someone who I’d like to be friends with”. You have to be special kind of horrible to say “look at this body part of a once beautiful animal that I purchased”. Trophy hunters are oxygen thieves and statistics

I’m a little disappointed the Weisselberg news only ended up in Dirt Bag. I’ve been waiting for an article on it all day, but...well, better Dirt Bag than nothing.

This “it does, it doesn’t” with booze reminds me of all the studies around eggs in the 80s. “They’re bad for you! But they’re good for you! Wait, only part of them is bad for you! But it’s good cholesterol!”

My point was the consistent shift between calling something “healthy” and then finding something “unhealthy” about and labeling it “poison.”

Same here. Leah’s story about Tom forcing his assistant to apologize because Tom could not immediately recognize the ingredients he’d set out as being for chocolate chip cookies! And how no one was allowed to correct Tom and point out that all the ingredients were on the counter. I’ve worked around plenty of eccentric

I just got dumped and have been drinking 2-3 drinks a night the past week. I can’t keep it up but it is helping me cope in the meantime. It isn’t the healthiest (but I am still running!) and it makes me feel better. My goal is to give it the weekend and start on Monday with scaling back to normal for me. I think 10

Seriously. 2-3 beers a night is how I’m coping with the pervasive existential dread of the past 2 years. To hell with this teetotaler BS.

92 year old Queen Elizabeth ll, drinks 4 cocktails a day.

Can we just agree to ignore these “booze is bad” studies until AFTER that Orange Abomination no longer has access to nuclear weapons? Because let’s be honest, we’re all just coping as best we can with the stress of this presidency...

But the evidence is the evidence.”

Maybe I’m reading it wrong but it looks like heart disease risks and diabetes goes down for 1 drink a day.  Yeah you’re probably going to get into a car accident while you have TB.... 

It also looks like 3-4 drinks is average in the US, per day.  That’s a lot.  

over 71,000 U.S. men and 18,000 women died in alcohol-attributed deaths in 2016.

I went to public health school, and one of the things we learned is that a lot of things that are enjoyable bring you closer to death. That did not stop my classmates and I from going to the bar after class on Fridays. Honestly, I think we’ve got to be honest with ourselves and acknowledge that trying to get people to

As someone who’s moved somewhat uneventfully into the 50-and-over age group, I recall that “accidents” were the leading cause of death in my 20s, “disillusionment” was the leading cause in my 30s, “alcohol”, natch, in my 40s, and I’m now in “heart disease/cancer”. I think I’ll have a drink tonight, just to feel

Meh. In 6 months there will be another study that says drinking two glasses of wine a day increases you life expectancy by 20 years.

It turns out we’re all going to die.