
Listen I’m not about to get my pitchfork out or rev up the rage machine, but I feel like Nicki doing this is lowkey homophobic.

Exactly. It’s imperative that we continue to discuss how the modern day conservative movement is from a poisoned tree. Trump isn’t the outsider making a mockery of it, he’s the grand fruition of it.

What is most stunning about this story is the realization that not only were these abuse allegations widely known among the journalists and members of the political class of the day, they were brushed off and deemed unimportant, irrelevant to what were considered more pressing political matters.

And they would be those “alive people” we have our hands full with.

No one remembers Tricky Dick as a good guy.

“So be it” is easy to say when you’re not considering the impact on those three kids. I’m sure there will be a point where she’ll eventually give up, but if I were her, I’d be doing whatever I could to make sure that my kids have a chance at having an alive, sober, involved dad. She’s doing all this work for him, but

I never had much of an opinion about Jennifer Garner (aside from thinking she was pretty and being irrationally envious of her getting to kiss Mark Ruffalo), but I’m starting to think that she is an amazing mother.

I think this is an important point though--she’s got financial stability and doesn’t have to be showing up for a 9-5 job or anything. That it’s so shocking to see someone famous tending to their family and related responsibilities with the myriad resources available to her maybe says something about our expectations

It’s best for her kids if he’s healthy, so she’s going to try to help that become true. I get it.

Three kids, though... I hope they appreciate what mom did to support dad’s sobriety all these years.

It’s hard when he’s your kids’ dad.

We lose Bourdain and get stuck with her.

She’s even using the same arguments as Weinstein! It’s eerie (if not entirely surprising) that she doesn’t see the parallel at all.

I’m sorry, but the coverage here on this continues to be with ridiculous kid gloves. The highlights of the purported texts from that website I won’t link show a pattern we’ve seen a few times before:

I don’t know what’s the worse out of these two horrendous things. The abuse of a minor while in a position of power over them or the fact she’s now using the same language of denial and claims of persecution that all the abusers up to now have used to try and get away with, when she knows what it’s like to be on the

I am about the same age as Argento. There are zero reasons for someone her age to be alone in a hotel room with a 17 year old, unless it’s a family member. Whatever story she’s trying to sell, she should just stop. 

Nutritional science is such a mess in how varied its results can be.  It certainly has done little to improve American diets and has probably just made us fatter and less healthy.  I really see it as one of the reasons why people distrust science as a whole.

coconut oil is just oil.

I don’t use it a lot in cooking so I don’t know if it helps me or not, but it is amazing on my skin. I’ve always had issues with my skin, from eczema to lichen amyloidosis. After years of regular doctor visits & prescriptions, I tried just using unrefined coconut oil on my skin twice a day and within 6 months my skin