
Oh, Nicki. It must suck to not be as popular as you were 6 years ago. I think Nicki needs to be quiet and go away for a while. The PR tour for this album has been a disaster. She’s so unlikable and has no sense of self-awareness. She keeps digging deeper with each new Tweet. She’s turning into a mini-Donald Trump.

It was really pretty, though. 

It’s pretty though! Apparently she had to have it close to her father’s California home because he had a lung transplant and can’t fly. So they chose the forest. She’s got the $$$ at least to afford it.


i thought she looked cute!

Aww. Poor thing.

It’s a fairy tale dress, so gorge.

She has always been an asshole. She just didn’t have enough power to lionize creeps before. Now she does. Seems consistent with her personality, tbh. This is a woman who hates women.


She just keeps digging herself in deeper. It was enough that her album flopped and she blamed a newborn for it, now she’s going ride or die for Tekashi of all people. Not only is he a pedophile, he’s a garbage rapper.

I can wholeheartedly say that I have never liked Nicki. She always seemed disingenuous. And her music was always lacking. I grew up with strong female rappers - there weren’t a lot, but the ones that were there were some BAD bitches. And I mean that in the most positive way. Lil Kim, Foxy, Remy, Trina. (I was a kid of

Likewise. They make me rage so hard, being that wealthy and useless and fucking obnoxious while decent, hard-working, honest people are living in poverty. Sometimes I wish I could leave the planet.

I think it’s time to dip out of anymore articles about either of these assholes. That’s my current stance on the Kardashians.

when I know somebody there’s nothing you can tell me about them

I don’t want anyone to think for a second that I would not have asked him to come on my stage.

It is long overdue, MD. I am sick to death of the praise she receives on this site.

Like... what even is her defense of keeping him around? Or is she just ignoring it entirely and pretending like its just “haters” or whatever?

This’d be like hearing the Chuckle Brothers seriously fought for Jimmy Savile to be brought back to CBBC...

I thought that too. And she said NOT ONE WORD about Aretha’s passing on any of her social media. And as I pointed out in another post, Aretha remained good friends with Annie Lennox. If they were looking for someone from that era that she actually respected and was friends with, then Annie should have been the one