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David Bowie called out MTV 35 years ago, hardly a damn thing has changed.

In that header photo she looks like his bored teen daughter.

It would certainly give me second thoughts about my partner if they invited Azealia Banks over to my place for a dinner party, let alone for any sort of extended period of time.

Grimes sucks.  So does Elon Musk.  

I think it is more likely that Elon’s handlers, such as they are, scapegoated her for his drug use/erratic behavior (even though all that was obviously going on before her). She seemed ALL IN on him to a sad degree.

I would dump my partner like a sack of medical waste if they shared my secrets with someone that notoriously volatile and indiscreet, let alone invited them into my home unattended. I feel no pity whatsoever for Musk and was entertained by the whole thing, but he got publicly dragged for filth through absolutely no

Dude seriously, this is not the hill you want to die on.

Jesus Christ, she groomed him over a 10 year period. This isn’t like she referred to him as her son one day and then gave him alcohol and took topless photos the next day. You have to be a troll, there’s no way someone can be this obtuse.

She referred to him as her son, slowly got him comfortable with various states of nudity, she plies him with alcohol, do you not understand what grooming is? And yes, in The NY Times, he clearly states that he didn’t consent. The fact that he suffered PTSD afterwards should tell you that this wasn’t a normal 17 year

Yup, spot on. It shows up their own cognitive dissonance more than anything. Clearly on a rational basis, if the young man did not consent that’s the end of it.

Dustin Hoffman’s character was well above the age of consent — the “graduate” (from college) — so no parallel at all.

Are you fucking joking? The age of consent is 18 in California. And raping a minor who suffers mental and emotional distress afterwards has nothing to do with whatever the fuck you do with your fiancé. Stop trolling, you're not very good at it.

I see, an unfun yet concerned troll.

Non-consensual sex is illegal pretty much everywhere though. 

According to people who worked with him they were fighting a LOT in the days leading up to his death.

No. This is such a damaging narrative. Most abused people DON’T become abusers and having been abused in the past no excuse for being a shitty human being. 

Most innocent victims don’t turn around and inflict their pain on others because they don’t have it in them to make others suffer, regardless of, or especially because of what they’ve been through.  I don’t buy this excuse in the least. 

She and Anthony Bourdain had a big fight the night he killed himself. She posted passive-aggressive stuff about it. It makes me wonder if he found out about this. He had stood beside her so staunchly. I can only imagine how it would feel to find out she had paid off someone she had abused.

Is this part of the cycle of

I hope the good things she has done will still carry weight”

I am also reminded that Asia Argento was one of the people who signed that letter demanding the release of Roman Polanski when he was arrested in 2009