
Trump reminds me of a pathological liar I used to work with.

I am convinced the reason we see so much of Giuliani is he has a direct psychic link to Trump’s brain, and they won’t let Trump out of the White House. Of course Trump approves of Giuliani’s performance, because he is saying exactly what Trump would say if he gave interviews to the press. I have seen little or any indi

I’m an old who was glued to the Watergate hearings when I was a precocious pre-teen and I remember it well. What I’ve been hearing since 45 took the oath makes all that look like nothing, it is getting worse by the week and still we have most of the house and senate with their heads in the sand (or up their asses) and

People will need to see psychatrists to unjumble all the mental gymnastics this admin has put us through.

: Truth isn’t truth? Mr. Mayor do you realize...I...this is going to become a bad meme.

So Rudy’s admitting that he doesn’t want his client to testify because he’ll lie?

This was always the end for America. Eventually the right was going to drop the pretense and go full fascist. It was only a matter of time, but I didn’t think it would happen this fast. Russia really forced them to accelerate their timeline in a big way.

Aaannnd that about wraps it up, folks.  The American experiment is finished.  I think it was a good effort in the beginning, but in the end, it turned out to be a giant jack off:  Free everything for the winners, coffee and doughnuts for mom and dad, and balloon animals for the kids.  So take down that flag, fold it

He’s talking like it’s a he said, he said situation where it’s just two opinions on the subject. He’s acting like there isn’t this thing, this concept, called “evidence” that would factually prove one side or the other.

Almost like the Royal motto is “never complain, never explain” or something.

“Are veneers so bad, though?”

No, it’s not.

I just don’t see this. I see constructive criticism being treated as constructive criticism and harassment and bigotry being called harassment and bigotry.

Fuck you. Unlike most of the rants I’m not complaining about the movie. Just about all the people who won’t stop complaining about.

Fuck fanboy nerd rage. Like seriously. I just enjoy the stuff by myself because the fanbases are such assholes. The bullied have essentially become the bullies now. To quote Ben Grimm, “what a revoltin’ development!”

Nope, lack of accountability for civilians was. Too much of this is enabled by the relative anonymity and pandering to potential customers.

The internet was fine. It was just the apparently inevitable slide from “nobody knows you’re a dog” to “nobody knows your a crybaby alt-right troll” that’s making it more untenable (combined with every authority explaining how they can’t change they rules they themselves established). 

In general, I think the internet is OK.

The Internet was a mistake.

There is a big difference between writing an article that says, “This studio should try to cast actors representative of the part” and personally screaming in all caps at the actor, “YOU SHOULD QUIT ACTING YOU TALENTLESS WHORE”.