
I can’t help but think Kris Jenner is disappointed to be left out of Kanye’s gross shout-out.

I’m sitting here eating a little breakfast and I honestly could just vomit all over this table. I am really starting to detest these people. Kanye is disgusting. They’re all abhorrent. From here on out, I will not be clicking through to anymore posts about these people. 

Kanye West is garbage. The Kardashians are also garbage. All these garbage people have more money than i’ll ever see in my lifetime, let alone most people’s lifetime. Meanwhile, i’m over here wondering if I’ll have enough money this week to be able to buy toilet paper or if I should just go to the local community

Whitney, can we get a Kanye moratorium? The ick factor is waaaaay too high.

I figure the people making this distinction are probably pedophiles. 

Not to mention how fucking creepy it is that a surprising amount of dudes on the internet seem to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the age of consent in the US(but also seem to avoid having any understanding of “sweetheart” laws.)

Might be worded poorly. But an 8 years difference between your daughter and your “lover” is highly disturbing. I mean, my older sister and my younger sister have an 8 years difference between them and I am smack dab in the middle! of 4 years between them two. So to put into perspective, that is like my fathers dating

A documentary about Walker’s life just came out. Whatever arbitrary rules you have about when/how a story should be broken, it’s legitimate to point this out when said documentary completely ignores it.

Lotta dudes on here desperately trying to rationalize a grown ass man having sex with underage teenagers. Interesting.

I dunno, look at Woody. 

1. In NC (blue, where I live), the age of consent is 16. However, it’s only legal for 16-year-olds to have sex with other 16-to-18-year-olds. If someone 19+ has sex with someone else who is 16, it’s still considered statutory rape. This may apply to other blue states.

Oh yes they did. 

It was illegal, it was wrong, it was bad behavior that is unacceptable & should be shamed.

You need to reevaluate your life if defending (potential) statutory rapists is your idea of a good way to spend your time.

You forgot Melania's parents becoming US citizens via chain migration - something that Commander in Cheeto is vehemently against.  

Do you have eyeballs? That man was not shunned during puberty. 

Sadly, celebrity bubbles are a great place for creeps to reside.

Wow I didn’t know this. I’m mad that this changes my image of him. It’s sick. But we need to start addressing it the same time we address Jared Letos underage relationships and why he gets a pass. 

You mean the daughters of those who shunned them during puberty?

Yeah no.  33 year old comes by and courts my 16 year old daughter, and it’s me who’s committing the first felony.

Walker wasn’t driving the car when he died, you tool.