
Google personalises results, and gives different ones depending on a number of factors even if you opt out of personalisation. Example: For me, Googling “Ruby Rose horrible” returns things like:

My mother, a white woman from the Boomer generation, was arrested last year for DUI. She was on a lot of prescription medication and had taken what I called “her nighttime pills” (i.e. the shit she takes to knock her ass out at night). She then proceeded to “forget” she’d taken said pills and run an errand (to the

In my opinion (gotta state that - no libel!), Steven^H^H^Hphen Miller is a skinhead who keeps himself clean of that image, to do whatever racist shit work from the inside. I have no proof, just my opinion. I do wonder if he’s got the tats under his shirt, or if he skipped them to stay on the DL.

What a vile piece of shit. Just a disgusting fucking trash monster. He’s sentient dick cheese. No one will ever love you, you reptilian looking motherfucker, eat a gun.

Some of them are indentured as well or out and out slaves.

Funny that you didn’t mention one of the other chants heard at these protests:

Let just say the same scenario happen in black owned salon. Same fight will happen there.”

A better question would be why was this movie made in the first place? Yet another movie about black history with a white guy as protagonist?

Because powerful people keep defending him. The longer Rowling and co keep paying him the less respect I have for them...

It’s strange how Depp’s treatment of Heard wasn’t taken as seriously as it should have been. People accused her of being a home wrecker (so therefore she deserved it or something). Anyone who has been abused who saw those pictures or watched that video... that shit needed a trigger warning, that was some serious shit.

“Murphy Brown” was one of the few adult TV shows my mom would let me watch when I was around 7 years old, and as I’ve rewatched a few episodes in adulthood I completely understand why. Even though I couldn’t understand everything (okay, most of the things) that were happening, the messages sunk in on my budding brain.

Well, I know this family has different priorities than. . . everyone, but, Kourtney saying she wanted to leave at 4 p.m. after six hours of a photo shoot seemed normal? And then they dog-piled on her for being annoying and difficult and Kim said horrible thing to her. I think “least interesting to look at” in the

Out of all of them, Kourtney’s style and look is most interesting to me, especially her maternity looks. It’s also extremely hard to believe she is turning 40 next year.

Run, Kourtney! Take the kids and your monies and relocate somewhere private and low-key where they can grow up normally away from the Kris Jenner Kardashian child famewhore industrial complex. I think she’s slowly realizing her family is the mean girl high school clique she can never graduate from and it’s straight up

Is this an idiot (like tomato face or whatever) or performance art (like everyone shut up I’m commenting)? I honestly can’t tell.

That was the Soviet Union dumbshit. That country ceased to exist almost 30 years ago. 

I Guar-ahnn-tee these assholes have glared at more than one person in their life with their piss tinged sclera and sneered, “America! LOVE it or LEAVE it!”

The point isn’t always to jerk off to them?

I love her. Can she run for office already? Also, fuck the Justice Department for trying to pass their responsibilities off to the ACLU, an organization that the Trump Administration loves to demonize. 
