
Burn in hell.

I’ve never understood why people hate Kevin Federline. He stepped up to take care of his kids while their mother had a breakdown and has continued to provide them with a stable life - and he has never been one of those trashy exes who give interviews about their famous connections. The occasional court skirmish about

These victims came unaccompanied, and may not have living parents.

Man, step the fuck off and let the orderlies/hosp security deal with it.

This is what they all do. They try to say something to get a star so they can go on tangents out of the gray and star all of their racist wannabe troll buddies. It is fun to drag them down the rabbit hole once in a while though. Especially if you’ve been hitting the sauce.


That would be an indictment of our criminally bad (lack of) health care system. It would remind people that kind of government provided health care (like 34 of the 35 OECD countries have) is the best solution to what ails this country’s system.

Unaccompanied minors. You’ll need to shift to blaming the victims specifically here, I guess.

Haldol is a very powerful antipsychotic drug that if suddenly discontinued (happens a lot) because a patient feels better and this is they no longer need treatment, can revert to an acute psychotic state.

I’m pretty sure that Tomato face or some other shithead troll got out of the grays and is now starring all of the stupid assholes we get in the grays.

Institutionalizing children is ALWAYS bad. Whether it’s orphanages for voluntourism or immigration detention, or juvie, you’re puttin kids at risk for abuse and exploitation. Especially when those kids are marginalized. This should surprise no one.

Who the fuck brought you out of the grays?

RN here, have dealt with these situations in the past. This “man” is a fucking joke of a human, let alone a police officer. If a bunch of nurses and CNAs can handle this on the regular without losing our shit and hitting someone as hard as we possible can, so can you, officer hitsalot. If you’re that easily pushed

There will be retribution for these crimes and this evil. When and from where and from whom I have no idea, but this won’t go unaswered when this whole thing collapses under its own weight. May the ashes and debris be gathered up and blow into the winds at the end of the world.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday described the child detention facilities housing immigrant youth as “essentially summer camps.”’

This man died over an arrest warrant for a FUCKING DISPUTE WITH HIS NEIGHBOR?!?! An arrest warrant he was entitled to see, and if they failed to produce it, it’s the police’s failure, and yet he dies?? I am sick to my stomach!

This is the country White people are 100% comfortable with. One where an American citizen can have their inalienable rights violated, their life taken and no punishment rendered. And they see no issue with it. Because this wasn’t their father, or brother, or son, or boyfriend, or husband.

There is no respect for our lives, our property, or rights by anyone who wears a badge and stays silent when their comrades murder us like this. This man was murdered because he thought for a moment, a fleeting instant, that he was a citizen with certain inalienable rights... these officers murdered him for the crime

From comment on original article: