
It's probably the best selling paper in the UK. People take it very very seriously. To me they helped bring on Brexit. Also government ministers and MPs contribute to it, so it can't be equated with the Enquirer. It has the sheen of the legitimate although it's a hate filled rag.

Rich is sensitive.

ugh for fuck’s sake. she’s not a comedian. Roasting someone you know and love isn’t that easy, she made a dumb joke. How is this news?

The Seth Meyers joke is pretty good, though, right?

Unfortunately, the daily fucking mail is not the UK equivalent of the National Enquirer.

When Meghan and Harry first started making headlines, Thomas Markle was always described as 'estranged' I wonder why that changed? She clearly had him at a healthy distance for some time, and for very obvious reasons.

I love how we were all like, “No, Bobby! No!”

As someone whose dad has shades of Thomas Markle toxicity, I feel bad for Meghan. To not be able to trust a parent, who perpetuates a very public and vicious cycle of victimhood — ouch. But I think most people get it and he’s not fooling anyone but himself.

Motherfucker, decide which way you want it before you sit down for a nine-hour interview. Daily Mail should ask for their money back.

Still think she should just 'give him a call' Bobby? Cutting that guy out of her life seems a very wise decision.

Thank you, Thomas Markle, for the reminder that it’s ok that I have minimum contact with my parents, even as they are getting older and in bad health. My dad regularly throws the accusation at me that I just think that I’m better than the rest of the family and that I’m embarrassed by them when that thought has never

The more Thomas Markle speaks, the more Im convinced that Meghans treatment of him is entirely appropriate.

He is truly terrible, but I think the tabloid media that are paying him and egging him on are worse. This douchebag wouldn’t have a platform if they stopped giving him one, but the Daily Mail in particular has a readership that feeds off this bullshit. It’s the “if it sells papers/gets clicks...” attitude, which

I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”

Thomas Markle is the wooooooorsssst. How long before he stops getting paid for his interviews and ceases to exist in gossip? I have dumpster fire parents too but at least I’m not famous. 

So I work at an outpatient mental health clinic associated with a local hospital in the urban part of my city. I primarily act as a patient advocate (explaining options and recommended treatment when there’s conflict). I am tired. We have to do better by ourselves and our loved ones. Stop waiting for things to get

Absolutely my experience. Didn’t believe this was possible, didn’t believe enough of us were this downright dumb, have spent 20 months furious at everyone for it. My dad, who’s been drinking more and more Fox News Kool Aid since the turn of the millennium. My girl’s uncle gleefully holding up an Anthony Weiner

Hahahahaha no. There was no treatment. The young men who were subjected to near-constant bombing and the ubiquitous threat of gas would get PTSD so bad they had actual seizures. Only then did military doctors consider there might be something wrong. They named it ‘shell shock’ and it’s the first known diagnosis of

Modern psychology was born in part because of the war. Look up the history of art therapy...that’s your answer right there.