
Melania is practically unrecognizable here. And the star is like an award that you have to pay for. Which doesn’t make it much of an award.

How is that any different than what you’re doing now?

You’re a remarkable idiot

America where all white men are just one mental health failing away from murder while everyone else is responsible for their own actions. 

“Given those givens, we must ask our (white)selves- how “decent” are we really? Not in our intent, but in our actions? In our lack of action?”

I’ll give her “remarkably fit.” She does more official engagements than her grandchildren, and still rides horses (apparently). My dear dad is in his 90s but is not remarkably fit. 

The hate for Hathaway has always been unseemly, weird and stupid. May we all (that is, us who happen to be white) do the same.

Back in the 90s, some wag posted stickers all over the Underground, saying, “The Daily Mail: right-wing trash for pretentious women.” Over the next 20 years, the owners of the Mail took that satirical tag line to heart and leaned heavily into a mixture of celeb/gossip and anti-immigrant race baiting disguised as “good

free from judgmental men is great but remember who posted that pic of a heavy lady working out, making fun of her size: A WOMAN

Lol yes! I keep seeing these so-called tuff muscle girls, and all I see is.... sticks of beef jerky. Womp womp.

I would be more sympathetic to Grimes’s arguments if they weren’t an explicit admission of pay to play politics by an oligarch.

Ugh. That quote about donating to the GOP reminds me of all the women I know who have 100% liberal or democratic political views, but who are registered Republican because their husband/father/whatever-dude-in-their-life told them “you’ll never be listened to by the local government unless you’re a registered

So essentially; Grimes (the character) is cool and awesome but unfortunately, Claire Elise Boucher is just another idiot.

This is your daily reminder that many music artists are just an act based on what sells. A fake well curated performance. Most are self absorbed and dont care about you or the problems of the lesser class.

Just have to say, Trump’s tax returns must look reeeeeally nice. Creating companies to pay off the women he commits adultery with is a pretty big neon sign that says “I don’t pay taxes”.

I legit wept when I saw the footage of Elin Ersson standing up for that poor man they were trying to ship back to Afghanistan. Her absolute bravery- esp standing up to that British racist asshole who stole her phone til the flight attendants got it back for her. Towards the end when nearly everyone on the plane got

not to put too fine a point on it but it really wasn’t Mexico’s to claim either...

I love how the anti-immigrant crowd just ignores the fact that nearl of this country was stolen/conquered from Mexico in the first place. The migrants have more right to be here than Euro-USAns do.

I love Brigitte. She’s like the fun version of Yolanda.