
Remember folks, Trump bypassed Congress when he put up those tariffs, something he shouldn’t have been able to do, but was able to do because of an old law from 1962 that said the president could put tariffs on countries that the president considered a risk to national security. Today, Trump publicly admitted he was

I hate the myth of rugged individualism because it makes people selfish and think people who are struggling are not trying hard enough. Not everyone has the same access to resources. Some places are closed to people. Honestly, working hard does not always mean you’re going to become a “success.”

Two things.

Lots of shows don’t need to exist. However, much like books, people can consume what they like. Variety is the spice of life.

Yeah that’s just too rational, better to just burn it with fire before it can reach its second form.

Wah. Wah. Don’t support it. Move on. It’s always something.

Are people being forced to watch this show?

Here is a crazy idea watch the series before calling for it to be cancelled. Also from what I read about the series this doesn’t seem like fat shaming at all, it seems like the opposite of it.

The dem establishment is a lot more scared of her than the republicans are because she’s poised to upend the proverbial apple cart. Republicans aren’t worried because folks who voted for her would never have voted for them anyway, but to the old guard that was responsible for sandbagging Bernie she poses a serious

I know she’s new to the game but that was a huge walk back. If you have the balls to support Palestine (so few if any politicians do) you cannot waffle on it. I was So dissappointed when she did that bc to me it signalled that she is perhaps more of the same. In 20 years folks won’t be afraid to call what's happening

That’s about right. My husband was an anthropologist and worked for the FUNAI in the Seventies in the same Brazilian state as this solitary man. As late as 1980 he was the first white man allowed into one of the villages. The people knew whocivilizados were, they just wanted them to stay away, with good reason.

So the solution is to force him to interact with the rest of the world even though he’s shown he has no desire to? 

That’s your opinion which is completely reliant on the obtuse position that our society is more important than his and that we will outlive what we destroyed in his society. A pandemic could take out all cities tomorrow and none of our history will matter to the successor species.

But he doesn’t want that. Plus it doesn’t really seem like he is struggling if he is as old as they think. Hell he probably eats better than a lot of people in poorer parts of the country.

...a man who has lived alone in the Amazon forest, in the state of Rondônia, for at least 22 years.

“Oh, those assholes again.”

As per the article, people have gotten close and were shot at. That’s contact, specifically him saying “no thank you, go away”.

Hardly. He is free to go anywhere he wants. If he wanted to talk to other people, all he’d have to do is walk up and talk to them, but the whole point of his lifestyle is to refuse that option. He’s not under 24/7 surveillance, he’s just being checked up on to ensure that loggers or agribusinesses don’t come and

So your solution is... let the farms destroy the territoty he is living in?

Am I really living alone if my wife left me and the government knows my address?