
I agree. I was talking to my mother about why my husband and I no longer have a real relationship with his family. I told her “At this point, the things that make us different are more important than the things we still have in common.”

That is the killer for me. My family includes all kinds of people, and these selfish damned oldingtons voted to actively hurt their immediate family (who they claim to love) over some desire to...frankly, I don’t even know what.  And I just can't.  

I had to confront the fact that a Trump vote made me love a lot of people on my life less, like there is a big empty spot where my feelings of love for them used to live. I still respect my MiL for raising three kids on her own in a blue collar job while taking care of her super difficult, fairly crazy mother at the

My aunt went conservative when she married her husband. It’s been immensely frustrating to the rest of us especially her mother, my grandmother, who is still a spitfire liberal at 87. Some people get into crafts or gardening in retirement, my grandmother got into current events and politics. She was always a democrat,

Your mother’s story is less uncommon than most people think. I have several friends here in NYC who became a little unhinged after 9/11. It wasn’t difficult when the (ultimately futile) search-and-rescue efforts were in progress and American flags were flying everywhere and the world was waiting for the American

Oh honey. :(. My youngest brother went through something similar about 7 years ago, so I can empathize. He left Oklahoma for the Bay Area with dreams of getting a job with an environmental NGO, and in the years he lived there became an alt-right Alex Jones fanatic (seriously, what are the odds of adopting liberal

I feel ya on the family situation. My sister is really mean to me, so I’m not predisposed toward forgiving her bullshit. Nevertheless, in my mind I can’t and don’t forgive her for voting for Trump and being completely fine with how his presidency is affecting the country.

That’s rough, I’m sorry, but I absolutely feel you.

I told my dad if he started watching Fox News after he retired, I was putting him in a home. He still hates Trump so, so far so good.

I think that a lot of us are in this position with relatives at this point.  I just can't with Trumpism, and cutting them off is the only solution I can think of when they are so far gone.  Having someone scream "Fake news!" while actually citing fake news is not a discussion.

So... My Dad completely changed over the last few years. He used to be super liberal and progressive for a man his age. He had some problematic things about him (who doesn’t?), but I mean hell, he was the Democratic leader of the county we lived in in the early 2000s. We used to be super close and talked politics all

You made me look because your comment just sounded unlikely. I looked at the FEC lists for the last 3 election cycles. There are a lot of David Fosters in America, but THE David Foster (listed as president of Warner Bros Music in 2012; later as director of Universal Music Group) made all his political contributions to

He actually didn’t have his socks on in the pool. He was wearing them at the pool. 

What would be the point? Guys like that ARE the police. 

You live in a state named “California.” The name comes from the mythical Spanish island paradise of Califia.

Living in Southern California and not knowing at least SOME Spanish is inexcusable... getting upset about Spanish language music will likely drive you to a heart attack before 30. Not to mention the fact that the spanish language music is actually created in and borne of this region, and I’m pretty sure the closest

Hispanic people have been in this country and especially in Calif way longer than English speaking people. Maybe he’s the one who needs to assimilate.

Do you really think a little kid reading comics will grasp that kind of nuance? She just saw a black superhero, and figured she looked more like her than all the other white ones.

Sometimes I wish they would assimilate more. I hear them playing [Spanish language] music in the backyard all the time and it doesn’t bother me. Because of the day and what July 4th means to me, I felt disrespected ...

So clarification in this instance means doubling down, sure. I think where she is misunderstanding people’s feelings about this is that when people say Storm should be darker-skinned, that we are some how at the same time back handedly calling her blackness into question. Storm is black, I’m black, what more do you