
Really, because people were making 9/11 jokes maybe a year after 9/11. There is no good timing. There are no rules for appropriate jokes about terrorism or murder. There are only humans living their lives. You don’t like it, fine. You’re entitled to your opinion. Davidson is also entitled to his joke. It is what it

I’m so fucking filled with rage at Anthony Kennedy for deciding to retire now that I can’t see straight. I don’t give any shits what’s happening in his personal life, or anything else: with our republic in this much peril, he has a moral obligation to sit in that chair until he drops dead. His *choice* to retire now

And brave - I’ll add brave to that list. I am tired of the mealy-mouthed, meet ‘em halfway nonsense from Pelosi and Schumer and the DNC. Halfway to fascism is still a bridge too far. We need people like Maxine Waters calling a facist a facist. Remember: This. Is. Not. Normal.

Thank you. The right grows more bold and aggressive daily in building detention camps, stripping away the civil liberties of vulnerable people, and rumbling for civil war. Meanwhile Democrat leadership plays politics and calls for the same old spineless centrism. This is why they keep losing. We need leaders like

I’m not black, but I cosign this letter.  Nothing wrong with what Representative Waters said.  She didn’t call for violence. She called for civil disobedience.  Pelosi and Schumer should be ashamed.

Yet another reason that Schumer and Pelosi need to step aside as party leaders.  As much as I respect what they’ve done in their time in Congress, we need new (diverse) blood to lead this party.

I feel for her, in a way, though David Cross is a serious POS and I cannot imagine what she is getting from that marriage. But it’s strange how many men have a seemingly willful blind spot in this area.My bestie is a dude, and when I was talking to him about Roe v. Wade last week he was like “I don’t think there’s

I get the exhaustion though. I do. Whenever I feel something, it’s not enough for me to say it. I have to convince my parents and (later) my husband that it’s true. All of them, by the way, have labeled me melodramatic. It’s never the case they’re blowing me off when I say how I feel in the first place.

Thank you! All members of Black and Brown Greek Organizations, professional business alliances, and influential committees need to put their collective power to good use and put the Democrats’ feet to the flames. We have passed the point of compromise and niceties and if the Democratic leaders do not have the stomach

OMG the tax breaks are amazing.... My tax refund for those 2 brief years I was married were soooo good.  Now I’m back to that single life small return.  :-\

All the people I know who have gotten divorces after 20-30 years of marriage were waiting to get the last kid off to college/moved out of the house. For them it was a combination of things not being great for a while but holding on for the sake of the kids, and then hitting a point at mid-life where you re-realize

Honestly, legal reasons, especially tax reasons.

You get more rights than just cohabiting (like if your SO get sick/dies you get automatic POA), insurance, tax breaks...just makes things easier if you’re in it for the long haul. Now getting married 5 times makes zero sense.

Health insurance. Taxes. Next-0f-kin medical decisions. You know, the romantic stuff. 


Who the hell cast that? Mr. Gill was a big rough looking masculine person that insisted on be referred to as male, and they what? Cast a 110lb super effeminate looking woman to play him? He demanded to be called Mister. He obviously valued his masculinity. What are they gonna do? Slap a mustache on her? Jesus. Take a

Could’ve explained the merits of why she was the one for this specific role.

Almost likes those are two different fields and no one’s saying cis people can’t ever play trans characters, just that you have to actually justify why you overlooked the multitude of trans actors around to go for the cis one (and that has to be more than the generic “oh well she’s a star”, given that probably

Dude, it is their own freaking family members robbing their own houses.

$5 says the bitch that called the cops knew EXAXTLY who she was because she voted for the person she defeated