
Only the most ignorant and myopic American liberals (and I liked Bernie Sanders but he pushed this nonsense too) ever promoted socialist “we’re wealthy cuz colonialism and hiding our Nazi gold in offshore banks” Europe as a bastion of freedom and tolerance.

Two comments: 1) La Mer is junk. So many people are being duped right now, using dimethicone-drenched products, much to their skin’s detriment (and what a cheap product to put in something so expensive). 2) I love champagne and caviar, but the idea of the two together in a smoothie sounds vomitously bad.

If Merkel’s Interior Minister dissolved the government, and there were new elections, then the government would still build detention centers. The AfD party would probably win a much larger share of the vote and there would be a right/center-right alliance as opposed to a more centrist alliance. In this situation,

What I don’t get is why anyone even refers to Jessica Simpson as a “singer” anymore. Does she ever release music or perform? And like, you don’t NEED to even pretend to be a singer anymore girl, you have a BILLION dollar clothing company. I’d be referring to myself as a businesswoman or owner of a huge company or

Being in the majority is overrated; Afrikaners were vastly outnumbered in South Africa, too. The fascists have loud voices and ever-increasing control of the major governments, militaries, and economies.

That video of Josh Duhamel’s gf (I can’t be bothered to scroll back up) preening around with a ‘body positive message’ as the caption is giving me an eye twitch.

So funny because I read the dirt bag headline about JD being accidentally posted undressing and I was like, “what thirst did Eiza post now?” and boom. And yes she looks amazing but eyeroll at that caption and also fuck you, Eliza. Like, even though she looks amazing and she’s allowed to have body insecurities but come

David Beckham once fucked a woman who came to his house to give him a fake tan and wrote her a note that said “thanks for the tan!” with like a tenner as a tip. She went to the press with it.

A new ring every time he cheats on her, probs.

White Supremacy handbook always says to come openly with violence to black girls, women and children. She’s a grandma, a nana, una abuelita.

I assume Cherith was suggesting Beckham fathered extra children outside his marriage, not your grandfather!

For the slow folks in the back. 😎

They can’t but do that.   They were born crooked.

KEEP ASKING. She’s a sitting member of Congress and the Ranking Financial Services Committee Member, and I’ve been saying for at least a week that she should have whoever was “assigned” to Sarah Huckaliar who is paid almost $200K annually in taxpayer dollars to shamelessly lie to the American public.  She isn’t even

Trump—never one to pass up a chance to bully a black woman—drew attention to Waters’ remarks on his Twitter account.

I’m sad that an elderly Black woman is the only congressperson brave enough to push back on this trash heap nazi administration and their nazi lackeys in congress. The Democrats can go fuck themselves for hanging her out to dry.

Please inform me of what “other view” I should be entertaining here as a sitting president uses social media to rile up his followers to send death threats? I’m smack dab in the middle of Trump country. Trust me, I get to hear their drab, unoriginal ideas of what they think America should be every day. I have no

If they’re going to shoot, I hope they shoot crooked.

Just, who the fuck calls someone a “very low IQ person?” It’s fucking mind-boggling that a sitting president can say these things without being tarred and feathered in the goddamn streets. Everything this president says should be included in every anti-bullying PSA shown in grade schools for generations. If any harm