
Somehow I missed the gene that produces the need to document one’s self in photographs. I don’t even get my picture taken on vacation in front of landmarks unless I’m with someone who insists on it. I know what I look like, I’m not going to forget that if I don’t have hundreds of pictures to remind me.

Ah yes, time to convinently forget her Trump humping husband and her penchant for shilling diet lollipops. 

I believe that Kim K will stop taking selfies as much as I believe she can become an attorney

Those murders happen with the American guns we flood Mexico with.

Kim always says shit like this. She once said that she was over contouring and then a few months (maybe a year) later, she comes out with contouring kits. It’s a really silly proclomation anyway, if you don’t like them anymore, then don’t take them. No need for a press conference. Celebrity is so stupid.

Yes. It’s Melania. What can I say? I like jackets.

This would tell you everything you need to know about the trash K family if they were also hawking unsafe pharmaceuticals in this:

Kim Kardashian West: ‘I’m Over Selfies’”.

“I would just like to live in real time a little more.”

She was perfectly fine with selfies as long as they kept her in the public consciousness. Now she’s over a phenomenon she helped create? It’s like all of a sudden she fancies herself too serious for that kind of thing. ::rolls eyes:: 

Every fatnecked, failson ICE agent bully should be rounded up and made to do the Nuremberg two-step.

A few years ago, they also detained a young boy who cut through a block of US territory to complete his paper route, as he had done for the past couple of years. They held this poor kid at least one night in jail, for doing his paper route! No wonder journalism is dying.

I hate to be the person that asks, but is Roman white or a POC? I’m guessing POC because ICE. There’s no way ICE detains a white person for jogging over the border.

Ah, yes, Norway. Trump supporters are big fans! Anyway, I think you’d understand the idea that homegrown talent does more killing than immigrants ... or have the number of murders committed by immigrants there caught up to Anders Breivik yet?

Yes, that is one reason as to why some people are desperate to come to a place where the murder rate is only 2.5 times higher than Canada’s!

Notably, neither of them is president any longer.

Yup and her mother who was trying to pick her up and was ignored:

Especially on the Canadian border,” huh? What an odd, economically anxious statement.

If we’re that worried about said international border, it should be clearly marked and fenced so people can’t accidentally cross it. 

I have no idea why it took two weeks of being in immigration jail to clear up her case, do you? Even after they received all of her documentation. Maybe they were waiting on the longest case of constipation ever.