
When this book is released it will unleash a level of ugliness from the Fox News crew and GOP that will make these last few months seem quaint. Their hatred of these two uppity colored people knows no bounds. Let’s be hones that is what bothers wypipo the most. The fact that the world got to see a functioning. loving

I don’t know what happened after she gave birth, but she was a doctor so if anything she was working much longer hours than Andre.

Have you ever heard anyone say something like that and had it NOT been from the mouth of someone who has had every opportunity to figure out what they had done to deserve whatever it is and obviously just doesn’t want to?

The vox article on the rolling stone article is worth the read.

Taking back the house in 2018 is critical because if we can’t impeach Trump we have to hobble him and stop his agenda.

And it isn’t like, if the Democractic leadership took a hard swing at him, he couldn’t concievably swap parties to hold on through another election.

Fuck politeness. This outdated concept of trying to engage in a civil manner with the epistemically-closed does not work. While the rhetoric may seem civil, I had illuminating hallway discussion today with a senior staffer on the backdoor methods they are employing to get discovery in the various cases into the public

As someone who works there, they are slow-walking every nominee that they can — especially judges. Each time they are invoking the maximum amount of debate (literally just a clock running in the background) between motion and cloture vote and between cloture vote and final vote. Blue slips are disregarded because the


Uhhhhhhhh...they did introduce legislation, my dude.

Times like this is why I will forever be so fucking ANGRY at the so-called “progressives” who aggressively shat on Cory Booker right after he testified against Jeff Sessions (during the latter’s confirmation hearing for Attorney General) simply because Booker voted no on a prescription drug amendment. Even though

Yeah, I agree. I mean, the Republican party platform is primarily based on selling government dysfunction. If Democrats try to derail whatever, the Republicans will just point to it to validate their claims. The GOP is doing everything they can to sabotage the system. They’re trying to roll back decades of progressive

I will never get the idea that the thing that will “save” the Democrats is acting more like the Republicans.

“Be more like Republicans.” - This article

The Democrats didn’t roll over on Gorsuch. They tried to filibuster him. But three Democrats broke ranks and voted to confirm him, after the Republicans broke the filibuster on judicial nominees. To say the Democrats “rolled over on Gorsuch”, it’s just not true. It is factually not the thing that actually

The Dems actually did block Gorsuch forcein the GOP to change the filibuster policy allowing Gorsuch to get in with a simple majority. It was a rare moment of backbone.

This is the shorter version of the rant I just went on.

This feels utterly tone-deaf given what’s going on and where we are, right now.

i think the main issue is that the democratic congress still believes they need to work with the republicans to make progress, when time and time again the republicans have just obstructed until they got their way or time ran out. maybe there are some backwards white supremacists, but i think the majority is my first

Quick question. Can I be a black nationalist if I am white?