
People who didn’t vote are racists. Period. Anyone with a brain knew this is where we were headed and they still stayed home. So many “decent” Americans don’t want immigrants of the brown or black variety in this country. They may say that it is so sad that families are being torn apart but in the next breath will say

This is an amazing statement. Thank you! As an American I wholeheartedly support foreigners putting pressure on their respective governments to censure the US for these disgraceful actions. I keep thinking of the terrified little blind boy being taken from his mother, and thinking about my own breastfeeding

HELP ELECT BETO O’ROURKE and unseat Ted Cruz!! The campaign can use text bankers, call team members, canvassers, and more.

Everybody is talking about how this is shameful to Americans. True, but a huge number of decent Americans are doing whatever they can to fight this evil. As a foreigner, I would like to approach it from another angle: this is shameful to the rest of the World, specially Western nations who claim to be “civilized”,

It needs to be made crystal clear that each and every GOP congressmen completely and totally supports sending kids to concentration camps.

Another avenue to stop this may be to pressure Rupert Murdoch and Fox News. They control the crazy rightwing politicians. If Murdoch wanted it he could have his anchors go all out on talking about how this policy has to change and his congressmen would get the message.

I keep hearing people say what can we do, what can we do, like what the fuck do you think the last election was, voting for your favorite contestant to stick around on American Idol. I understand that many people did vote and more voted for Hillary than for Trump, but in many states, including the ones like Ohio,

It needs to be made crystal clear that each and every GOP congressmen completely and totally supports sending kids to concentration camps.

I can’t find info anywhere and I’ve been searching long and hard on traditional news and online media. I haven’t found anything. This is cause for alarm.

One of our commenters posted this earlier.

“I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13,” he said, grinning, “to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes.”

We need large-scale world wide protest marches ASAP. There were a spattering of marches on Wednesday and Thursday (some Dem congressfolk showed up for the one in DC) but they were not organized or publicized well and as a result were barely covered by the media.

As horrible as it is to say, I hope they don’t. You cannot negotiate with terrorists, and you never pay the Danegeld. It just encourages them to come back for, for worse, later. This is one of those hard choices, a genuine and for real hard choice, that conservatives used to talk glibly about before doing something

Mango Mussolini and his sidekick Keebler Elf have created a mental health crisis with these children that will be visited upon the U.S. 10-15 years from now if not sooner. I am continually floored by the pure evil that emanates from these soulless creatures and the feckless sheep who support them.

This week, Department of Health and Human Services officials confirmed their plans to build “tent cities” in Texas that would house thousands of children. The first will be in Tornillo, Texas, which will hold 450 beds for the children,according to NBC News. It’s unclear how soon the tents will be set up, but it’s

Wow, what a tough sentence for Paul Manafort, who has represented Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and many other top political people and campaigns. Didn’t know Manafort was the head of the Mob. What about Comey and Crooked Hillary and all of the others? Very unfair!

And even more scaringly, a large percentage of the US population is probably also ok with it. I don’t think they are a majority, but I do think they are in the double-digits percentage.

This can’t be said loudly enough;

White people have ALWAYS cared more about animals than black and brown people.

If it was crying puppies being torn away from their moms people would be i the streets. But no one cares because they’re “illegals”.