
Yes, it really is that simple. This is what happens when you elect white supremacists to Congress who can confirm white supremacists nominated by a white supremacist. You just get a whole lot of dumb bigotry.

Well that’s how this will be spun: “ICE minister of truth spokesman said that they’re doing xyz to ensure their well-being and safety so it must be true because they said it” in order to gaslight anyone with half a brain who knows what happens when you put brutish thugs in uniforms and give them a ton of power with no

Call the DOJ main comment line: 202-353-1555

Call the DOJ main comment line: 202-353-1555

Thread to start rounding up how we can help shut these down and get the kids back to their parents (and the families themselves out of these horrific conditions.)

I’m calling them concentration camps until we have round-the-clock video evidence that they’re not, because trust requires transparency.

Everything right wing nutjobs accuse you of is a tacit admission of what they want to do.

Not only are they abusing these kids, but they’re actively shredding any evidence that they’re doing so.

Which is why those presenting themselves at the border, asking for asylum, are arrested and separated from their children. Apparently that’s illegal if you’re brown. Norwegians are welcome though.

If only that Kenyan socialist dictator Obummer hadn’t confiscated all of the gunz!1!1! Jade Helm!1!1!

Well these are brown children....

These tent camps are unlicensed. They don’t have to give appropriate care with caregivers who have background checks and are trained to be with children. They have contracted ARMED Guards to work there. In 105 degrees these children are going to die.

You know they are abusing these kids. Of course they are.

Jeff Sessions is an evil man.

You know how we saw the pictures from that boy’s facility? Where is the girl equivalent of that? I’m horrified for what that must be like.

Remember all the people screaming about how Obama was going to round up people and put them in FEMA camps? Well now it’s really happening, and it happening to children. Where are all the conspiracy theorists now? Out buying new MAGA hats and assault rifles is my guess.


Yep. My ex put spyware on my computer and basically was able to access all my shit.

Keyloggers, reverse engineering saved passwords, or low-tech gaslighting and blackmail in the form of “if you really loved me, you would trust me with your email password.

This issue could clearly only be worked out in court. Abramovitz sued Lee for $300,000 and won. The judge tacked on an extra $50,000 for “her despicable interference in Mr. Abramovitz’s career.”