
Rich Sex just came out. It explicitly talks about only banging rich men and shaming women who bang poor guys.

Evolved how exactly. She still dresses the same. Same music videos.

As someone with mental health issues, fuck nah. He’s just a piece of shit.

The only conversation that anyone should be having is that Nicki Minaj protected a fucking pedophile rapist. We get articles everyday about R Kelly and his fans and followers that support him but we need more words on Nicki. All this shit she is doing now is to deflect from that. No one has called her to task for

Sad but true: I have heard plenty of women say they “don’t care”, they still want to fuck him and would given the opportunity

I was gonna comeback with a Black man beating a white woman would definitely suffer greater consequenses and then I thought about O.J. sooooooo...never mind.

It legitimately makes me sad when I overhear someone at my school saying how hot he is.

I personally loathe biopics, and I always feel bad for the families who have to endure the crap from unauthorized biopics.

Josh Brolin beat a white woman, no one seems to care. Emile Hirsh beat and strangled a white woman and no one remembered.

I feel like all of this is leading somewhere really bad. This presidency feels ominous in a way I have never experienced. Not to be hyperbolic, but I wonder if this is how western Europe felt in the 1930's. Shit is getting crazy at every angle. The US is catering to dictators, setting up “camps” for asylum and refugee

I posted this the last time there was story about him on Jezebel. He and his entourage did this to 2 friends of mine in college while in town for a film festival. They never reported cause celebrity. It’s not my story to tell but I always feel compelled to mention it anytime he comes up—here or in conversation. I just

I don’t get the agency argument being made, the photographer creates the image not the subjects of said photo. How does it become about Ms. Kimble’s agency when it’s Largefeld who is creating the image. It’s his vision not hers it’s his message not hers.

Are you sure that wasn’t Steven Seagal? She made a movie with him early in her career.

No that’s not what I am saying. I was trying to make a point that honestly is neither here nor there.

I’m stunned you spent so much time dick riding Lagerfeld like he isn’t a complete piece of racist shit. Says a lot about you.

Anyone who looks at the image and does not get the historical stereotype of light-skin valorization vs dark skin submission is in deep deep denial or willful blindness.

Its hilarious that thousands of redneck losers thought these greasy NYC scumbags would save them and their stupid ass coal mining jobs.

I just find it amazing that we can call bullshit on thing like ironic racism. But when it comes to “stunt yellow bone it” or “japanese and indian, got that yaki that wavy brazilian” or the alexandra shipp/storm stuff, that makeup girl who made her skin like 3 shades lighter, or this photo. It suddenly becomes, YOU

Team Michelle Pfeiffer forever and and ever amen.

I noticed this when it was covered yesterday, but I let it ride.