
There are two solutions:

Unfortunately, an isolationist and far right nationalist regime typically responds to sanctions by doubling down, passing the pain along to the people while finding ways to skim off the top for themselves.

“Those who enter the country will be prosecuted in accordance with the Department of Justice zero-tolerance policy.”

At the same time, NPH is very much brands himself as The Theatre Person™ -, with a specialty in Musical Theatre© - and Rachel Bloom stars in the biggest musical TV show of the last several years. Like it’s a massive award-winnimg critical darling, and I don’t even think it was Rachel’s first year backstage/red carpet

You know, saying I’m petty for being irritated by his Twitter presence this week (and in general) is fair enough. But brushing off the Amy Winehouse corpse as “Dead celebrities are a thing at Halloween” is a little weird to me?

Let the fillers fly! Let the silicone spray!

That, and he thinks he’s laying the groundwork for issuing pardons to himself and all the other treasonous old monsters plucked from around the Forbidden Forest and random gateways of Hell.

trump ran for president to be elected king, and nearly every source of strife since being elected revolves around the fact that government is not designed to simply do whatever the president says. pardoning, however, gives him the illusion of ultimate power, specifically over someone’s life, which is all he was really

I assumed this meant that since it is such an expensive destination, comping so much would have to have a much larger return on investment than most of these people could possibly offer.

So I called my Members of Congress today and broke down crying about the children locked in cages and screaming for their parents. I don’t know if I got my point across.

Anderson Cooper just reported that there will be no record of the meeting between Trump and Kim. I just don’t understand how this can happen in a democracy. How can we let one man make policy without any input? This makes me so sick after 8 years of RWNJs calling Obama a dictator. This might be the most foolish

If I hear asylum seekers referred to as illegal immigrants or attempting to enter illegally I’m going to scream. It is perfectly legal to present yourself at a boarder crossing and request asylum. People are being arrested and detained and their children taken away for a completely legal act. The media is failing to

It is time to return the earth to the plants and animals.

This is seriously shit from medieval Europe. The fat monarch is willing to sacrifice good friendly relations with his allies in favor of a new ally, who can give him what he wants. In Trump’s case, it’s a place in the history books. If he signs a treaty with North Korea, that gets put into the history books and he can

“Some of them heard their children screaming for them in the next room,” congresswoman Pramila Jayapal told the Washington Post of immigrant women held in a federal prison facility who had been separated from their children. “Not a single one of them had been allowed to say goodbye or explain to them what was

Yep. I feel terrified when I talk to Americans who gleefully admit they just want to see what happens with Trump at the helm; they do not care about the local impact, let alone the global impact, because they think they’re insulated/protected from it all.

See, getting people to vote isn’t about “sides”, it’s about preventing fringe radicals from taking office. People like Trump thrive on voter apathy because they are able to fire up their base to vote, all the while getting their moderate opponent’s voters to either want to stay out of it or overload them with

What liberals and dems forget is that for so many trump supporters their ENTIRE philosophy and motivation is do anything and everything is to own the libs. They would shoot off their own dicks if they thought the coastal elites would be upset about it.

Would it really be that, though? Sometimes I wonder what would happen if someone in a high position would just step up and check this asshole, right to his face. And no, I don’t really want anyone to make his nose squeak (well, I mean, sure, but... no). I’m talking about a proper, extended verbal dressing down that he

And I hope it hurts. But all signs point to them cheering him on.