
These countries should put sweep sanctions on the US, starting with his businesses, and tariff the shit out of the products made by Trump-supporting states. A punch in the nose all that bullies understand. Crush them. We will all feel the impacts, but it’s just the cost of letting an illegitimate president sit in

An excellent post (as per usual). But one really ought to conclude: trump’s stultifying behavior at the G7 conference seals the matter once and for all: trump is doing Putin’s bidding. Note that one doesn’t have to assert a single proven reason why he’s doing what Putin wants; just state clearly that that’s what’s

Could those Big Macs hurry up and do their thing already? Christ, this fucking boor is such a waste of everyone’s time.

I am really reaching a boiling point with this shit. It’s not enough that they’re all fucking horrible. It’s not enough that they lie about literally everything they do. They then have to turn around and blame whomever they feel like for doing the exact same shit that they do.

This Toddler in Chief’s tantrums are wearing thin. The world stage is not the place for airing of petty grievances against one’s fragile ego, while claiming an entire country represents said ego. The United States is NOT your ego, Man-Baby!

Have fun, seriously. In the past week, Twitter has just been mocking Trump for starting a fight with Canada. No one, not a single country in this world, except for Russia, hates Canada. Even Trump’s dream date, North Korea’s Kim, said months ago during their lover’s spat, that he sees nothing wrong with Canada and

This is so fucking disgusting and so, so harmful to any and all diplomatic negotiations the US will have going forward. He completely half-assed the summit, came in late, made some ridiculous claims about wanting Russia to join again (because don’t it already look like you’re colluding, Donnie?), acted like a child

This mewling little shit really just needs an ass kicking, one that he’s only avoided hiding behind daddy’s money and lawyers.

“Meek and mild”

Refusing to acknowledge facts is not a differing opinion or thinking outside the box. Your mum may be someone who patients feel comfortable with and give good feedback for her care. There are many facets to pediatrics in terms of caring for children.

According to the anti-vaccine dumb fucks this never happened. And as for eliminating polio? Not true, they just renamed it to Guillain-Barre Syndrome/MS/Bell’s Palsy/whatever.

A while ago I watched a PBS doc about polio and it really drove home just how terrifying it was before the vaccine. Your kid could be swimming in the local pool one day and paralyzed the next.

Bye Kat! It was nice following you on Facebook and reading about your fun makeup and tattoos. But I am not down with anti-vaxxers so you’ll have to do without me. You see, I know someone who suffers from having contracted Polio as a child. Seeing her stuggle just to get up a flight of stairs would make you run to the

“What is going on with this anti-science movement?”

I always liked this quote, from one of our Founding Fathers, no less (since anti-vax sentiment is quite old, really):

One of worst aspects of all this is the message it sends about what’s valuable in others. Even if the anti-vaxxers had it right, is having a dead child better than one on the spectrum? I understand that it’s hard and it must be heartbreaking to see your child struggle with Autism but they’re alive for you to see it.

She shouldn’t be allowed to enroll her child into school or travel by air with them anymore without shot records.

“move the fuck on”. Bitch, I would, except your fucking petri dish of a kid will be out in the wild with my kid so I can’t. How about YOU move the fuck on to another planet where your shitty choices won’t affect me?