
Never, never ever ever ever did the Trumps use their power to benefit anyone else but themselves. Including this case.

Yes, nothing like an epically surgically-enhanced woman to really catch our “President’s” attention.

It would be nice that this one miscarriage of justice had been corrected, if not for the murky sea of injustice still surrounding it. The lesson here is, get Kim to read a Mic article about the drug war, in general, and then maybe some actual justice might get done. God. This is so fucked up. We should just cancel the

Of course she doesn’t. The one who can connect the dots in that family is Kris, not Kim.

“I think Kanye’s already given him legitimacy in that way.”

Seriously though, she did some good work for Johnson, probably helped Trump with his blacks, and earned some ad money or something. Quite a coup actually. The real victims? Anybody who can’t get Kim to feel bad enough for them to get her into the White House. Which is a lot of people..

She’s trying to be reasonable and respectable. That mindset will doom everyone, because being reasonable, respectable, and being “good” serve only the oppressor. It is depressing how many people still have the need to be that as internalized self-hate.

I won’t. He called a Black woman a nigger and threw hot sauce at her. He needs to go to jail. Fuck him.

RIP. A damaged man who became a good man, and had a tremendous cultural impact. Felt like I lived his adventure for 15 years. Stood up for what was right. Expressed himself with enviable ease and wit. Could observe and participate without othering or fetishizing or appropriating. Sad to see him go. I guess those

I’ve read every one of his books, including the cookbooks — and he always wrote good apologies in his post scripts when he changed his views on something he’d written earlier, which is one reason I think people liked him so much. I loved his work and persona, and this loss really hurts. I feel for his family and loved

You know, usually I would slap myself upside the head for being a conspiracy theorist...but I hope they check his death out thoroughly. I mean, Weinstein went to terrifying lengths to shut people up before - ex-Mossad agents and all - and Bourdain was one of Asia’s major supporters when she came forward.

Harder to be openly racist without at least a little pushback. Gays are the easy ones to pick on because discrimination against race is codefied into law. Hell, there was just a lawmaker who said that businesses should be able to discriminate against minorities including blacks after the Supreme Court case, backlash

“He has a lot going on in his personal life. In the heat of the moment he let his emotions get the better of him.” Few things scream ‘domestic abuser’ like that sentence there. If the ‘personal life’ issue is his girlfriend finally leaving his violent azz, good for her! And Washington is showing a lot of class, but

For her part, Washington told KGW TV that she’s ready to forgive El Masry, saying she doesn’t him to pay a huge price over a “temporary moment.”

White people love these sorts of barely true, feigned ignorance, plausible deniability, etc. arguments. Stop it.

I will never understand why countries don’t just adopt a very simple tax system for corporations. “You get taxed based on where the money comes from, not where your fucking corporate HQ is”. There. Solved tax havens.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Good. Send ‘em over seas. But any dollar that goes in Jesus’ basket on American soil is being taxed.

It is hilarious to me that all of the things the Bible says not to do and these conservative christians pick being gay. Leave people alone. WTF is wrong with y’all.

I’m bothered by the way this article casts this as an example of thwarted white privilege, because it makes it sound like homophobia is a uniquely or particularly white phenomenon. It’s not. This guy was trying to skate by on straight privilege and, especially, Christian privilege - and those are privileges PoC use in